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Mengeksplorasi Efek Suplementasi Vitamin D3 terhadap CD8, Jumlah Sel Tumor di Sirkulasi, dan Kesintasan pada Kanker Ovarium Tipe Epitel: Laporan Pendahuluan dari Uji Klinis Acak Tersamar Ganda
2024 | BY Nurul Ratna Mutu Manikam - ANDRIJONO - Fiastuti Witjaksono - Fariz Nurwidya
  • Exploring the Impact ofVitamin D3 Supplementation on CD8 Levels, Circulating Tumor Cells, and Survival Rates on Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: A Preliminary Report from Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial.
  • Nomor Panggil D24001fk


Peran Pemeriksaan Circulating Tumor Cells di Darah Perifer sebagai Penunjang Metode Diagnostik Non-Invasif Kanker Kolorektal
2022 | BY Ikhwan Rinaldi - Andri Sanityoso - Saskia Aziza Nursyirwan - Murdani Abdullah
  • The Role of Circulating Tumor Cells in Peripheral Blood as an Adjunctive Non-Invasive Diagnostic Methods for Colorectal Cancer.
  • Nomor Panggil T22272fk


Asosiasi status klinikohistopatologi terhadap circulating tumor cell (CTC) pada karsinoma sel skuamosa kepala leher
2019 | BY DEWI Wulandari - Nina Irawati - Denni Joko Purwanto - Erwin D Yulian
  • The presence of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and its association with clinicohistopathologic characteristics in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck region (HNSCC).
  • Nomor Panggil T19023fk