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Hubungan Antara Defisiensi Vitamin d 25 (OH) Saat Admisi ICU Dengan Kejadian Infeksi Pada Pasien Sakit Kritis
2024 | BY Diana Sunardi - Sidharta Kusuma Manggala - Arieska Felicia
  • Association Between Vitamin D 25 (OH) Deficiency at ICU Admission with Infection in Critically Ill Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T24312fk


Penggunaan Electrical Impedance Tomography sebagai Panduan Perubahan PEEP pada Pasien Model Hipertensi Intra-Abdomen dalam Mencegah Cedera Epitel Paru: Kajian terhadap Distribusi Ventilasi Paru dan Kadar Penanda RAGE
2024 | BY Fildza Sasri Peddyandhari - Achmad Kemal Harzif - Sidharta Kusuma Manggala - Andi Ade WR
  • Electrical Impedance Tomography as a Guide to PEEP Changes in Intra-Abdominal Hypertension Model Patients in Determining Pulmonary Epithelial Injury: Study of Lung Ventilation Distribution and RAGE Marker Levels.
  • Nomor Panggil T24166fk


Indeks Distensibilitas Vena Jugularis Interna sebagai Prediktor Respons terhadap Pemberian Cairan pada Pasien Pembedahan Elektif
2023 | BY Aldy Heriwardito - Dita Aditianingsih - Laksmi Senja Agusta - Sidharta Kusuma Manggala
  • Internal Jugular Vein Distensibility Index as Predictor of Fluid Responsiveness in Patient Undergoing Elective Surgery.
  • Nomor Panggil T23400fk


Akurasi Kombinasi Tes Mallampati Modifikasi, Jarak Tiromental, Jarak Tragus ke Nares dalam Memprediksi Kesulitan Visualisasi Laring pada Pasien Anak 1-5 Tahun
2023 | BY Dona Ariska - Christopher Kapuangan - Sidharta Kusuma Manggala - Aida Rosita Tantri - Dita Aditianingsih
  • Accuracy of Combined Modified Mallampati Test, Thyromental Distance, Tragus to Nares Distance to Predict The Difficulty of Laryngeal Visualization in Children of 1-5 years.
  • Nomor Panggil T23164fk


Pengaruh Pemberian Lactobacillus Acidophilus Terhadap Gastric Reidual Volume pada Pasien Pasca Operatif Pembedahan Laparotomi Digestif Bawah di Unit Perawatan Intensif
2022 | BY Christophorus Simadibrata - Wifanto Saditya Jeo - Sidharta Kusuma Manggala - Rudyanto Sedono
  • Effect of Lactobacillus Acidophilus Administration on Gastric Residual Volume in Postoperative Lower Digestive Laparotomy Surgery Patients in the Intensive Care Unit.
  • Nomor Panggil T22495fk


Perbandingan Keberhasilan Insersi Kanul Intravena antara Penggunaan dan Tanpa Penggunaan Pemindai Vena pada Pasien Pediatrik
2018 | BY Astari Karina - Aries Perdana - Sidharta Kusuma Manggala
  • Comparison of intravenous cannulation success rate with and without the use of Vein Viewer.
  • Nomor Panggil T18433fk


Hubungan Pemberian Probiotik Lactobacillus acidophilus terhadap Kadar C-Reactive Protein pada Pasien Pascalaparotomi Gastrointestinal
2022 | BY Sidharta Kusuma Manggala - Hario Tri Hendroko - Rudyanto Sedono - Wifanto Saditya Jeo
  • The Relationship between Lactobacillus acidophilus Probiotic administration and C-Reactive Protein levels in patients After Undergoing Gastrointestinal Laporotomy.
  • Nomor Panggil T220004fk


Perbandingan Orientasi Probe USG Oblique dengan Transversal Terhadap Keberhasilan Kanulasi Vena Jugular Interna Kanan : Penelitian Pada Pasien Pediatri yang Menjalani Bedah Jantung
2021 | BY Angela Christina - Aldy Heriwardito - Sidharta Kusuma Manggala
  • Randomized comparison of Oblique versus Transverse orientation for ultrasound guided internal jugular venous cannulation : in paediatric heart surgery patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T21121fk


Perbandingan Magnesium Sulfat 30 mg/kg Intravena dan Meperidin 0,5 mg/kg Intravena dalam Pencegahan Menggigil pada Anestesi Spinal
2021 | BY Magdalena Sihombing - PRYAMBODHO - Sidharta Kusuma Manggala
  • The Comparison of Intravenous Magnesium Sulphate 30 mg/kg dan Intravenous Meperidine 0,5 mg/kg for Prevention of Shivering during Spinal Anesthesia.
  • Nomor Panggil T21104fk


Perbandingan Efektifitas Haloperidol 1 mg Intravena dengan Deksametason 5 mg Intravena untuk Mencegah Kejadian Mual Muntah pada Pasien Dewasa Pascabedah Laparoskopi
2020 | BY Suryo Indah Widhyanti - Aldy Heriwardito - Sidharta Kusuma Manggala
  • Comparison of The Effectiveness of Intravenous Haloperidol 1 mg with Dexamethasone 5 mg Intravenously to Prevent the Incidence of Nausea and Vomiting in Adult patients After Laparoscopic Surgery.
  • Nomor Panggil T20123fk