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Pengaruh Pajanan Static Magnetic Field terhadap Ekspresi Protein Dipeptydil peptidase 4, Gen Caveolin-1 dan GLUT4 pada Mencit Obes
2024 | BY Ariska Nur Aeni Pratiwi - Pudji Sari - Luluk Yunaini
  • The effect of Static Magnetic Field Exposure on the Expression of Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Protein, Caveolin-1, and GLUT4 genes in Obese Mice.
  • Nomor Panggil T24146fk


Analisis In silico dan karakterisasi sel sperma setelah dikultur bersama dengan sel epitel kaput epididimis mencit yang ditransfeksi siRNA Defb20.
2023 | BY Luluk Yunaini - Dwi Ari Pujianto - Matti Poutanen - Delvac Oceandy
  • In silico analysis and sperm characterization after co-culture with siRNA-mediated knockdown of Defb20 in caput epididymal cell culture.
  • Nomor Panggil D23031fk


Hubungan Antara Variasi Genotip Gen FCRL3 Rs7528684 terhadap Kekambuhan Penyakit Graves pada Populasi Jakarta
2020 | BY Mitha Permatasari - Luluk Yunaini
  • Association of the Genotype Variants of FCRL3 Rs7528684 to the Recurrence of Graves’ Disease in Jakarta’s Population.
  • Nomor Panggil S20132fk


Asosiasi antara Genotip Gen SCGB3A2 Rs1368408 dan Kekambuhan Penyakit Graves pada Populasi Jakarta.
2020 | BY Aisya Sita Marcha - Luluk Yunaini
  • Association between Genotype of SCGB3A2 Gene Rs1368408 and Relapse of Graves’ Disease in Jakarta’s Population.
  • Nomor Panggil S20131fk


Risiko Kekambuhan Penyakit Graves Ditinjau dari Genotip Gen PTPN22 rs2476601 pada Populasi di Jakarta
2020 | BY Shabrina Shaliha - Luluk Yunaini
  • Recurrence Risk of Graves Disease Attributed to the Genotype of PTPN22 rs2476601 Gene in Jakarta’s Population.
  • Nomor Panggil S20130fk


Analisis Variasi dan Ekspresi Gen Kinesin Family Member 17 dan Four and Half Lim Domain 5 pada Laki-laki dengan Spermatogenic Arrest
2024 | BY Luluk Yunaini - Dwi Anita Suryandari - Diennisa Shafira Mursalin
  • Analysis of Gene Variations and Expression of Kinesin Family Member 17 And Four And Half Lim Domain 5 in Men With Spermatogenic Arrest.
  • Nomor Panggil T24102fk


Potensi Prolaktin Sebagai Induktor Motilitas Spermatozoa Melalui Ekspresi Prolactin-Inducible Protein (PIP)
2023 | BY Novi Wulandari - Dwi Ari Pujianto - Luluk Yunaini
  • Potential of prolactin as an inductor of human spermatozoa motility through expression of prolactininducible protein (PIP).
  • Nomor Panggil T23331fk


Efek Pajanan Static Magnetic Field Terhadap Kadar Kalsium, Ekspresi SREBP-2 dan LDLR pada Mencit Strain C57BL/6J yang Obesitas
2022 | BY Rahma Nur Istiqomah - Luluk Yunaini - Puji Sari
  • The Effect of Static Magnetic Field Toward Calcium Level, SREBP- 2 and LDLR Expression in Obese Mice Strain C57BL/6J.
  • Nomor Panggil T22525fk


Efek penambahan progesteron in vitro terhadap kemampuan kapasitasi dan ketahanan hidup spermatozoa
2018 | BY Sisca - Dwi Ari Pujianto - Luluk Yunaini
  • Effect of in vitro progesteron supplementation on sperm capacitation and survival.
  • Nomor Panggil T18261fk


Variasi Genetik pada Daerah 5’-UTR Gen CD40 dan Kadar sCD40 serta Hubungannya dengan Risiko Kambuh Penyakit Graves
2015 | BY Luluk Yunaini - Fatimah Eliana - Trisia Lusiana Amir
  • Genetic Variation at 5’-UTR of CD40 Gene and sCD40 Level Associated with Relapse in Graves’ Disease.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 575 FK