Hasil Pencarian

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Perubahan Derajat Steatosis Hati Dan Profil Lipid Pasien Hepatitis C Pada Sustained Virological Response 12
2023 | BY Putra Nur Hidayat - C. Rinaldi A. Lesmana - Chyntia Olivia Maurine Jasirwan - Siti Setiati
  • Changes in Hepatic Steatosis Degrees and Lipid Profiles in Hepatitis C Patients at Sustained Virological Response 12.
  • Nomor Panggil T23493fk


Hubungan Profil Lipid dengan Derajat Inflamasi pada Ibu Hamil
2023 | BY Adhitya Yudha Maulana - Damar Prasmusinto
  • The Relationship between Lipid Profile and Degree of Inflammation in Pregnant Women.
  • Nomor Panggil T23221fk


Studi asosiasi profil antropometri, lipid terhadap resistensi insulin pada subjek Sindrom Ovarium Polikistik
2019 | BY David Eka Prasetya - Andon Hestiantoro
  • association between anthropometric and lipid profiles with the incidence of insulin resistance among PCOS subjects.
  • Nomor Panggil T19522fk


Efek Suplementasi Probiotik pada Masa Kanak-Kanak terhadap Indeks Massa Tubuh dan Profil Lipid saat Remaja: Studi Tindak Lanjut Tahun ke-10
2019 | BY Meilianawati - Rina Agustina - Fatima Safira Alatas
  • Effect of 6-month Probiotic Supplementation During Childhood on Body Mass Index and Lipid Profile in Adolescence: A 10-Year Follow-up Study.
  • Nomor Panggil T19195fk


Pengaruh Penerapan Program Wellness Terhadap Kepatuhan Menjalankan Latihan Fisik Aerobik dan Perubahan Profil Lipid Darah pada Pegawai Pemerintah
2018 | BY Dina Tri Amalia - Indah S. Widyahening - Imran Agus Nurali
  • The Effect of a Wellness Program Implementation on the Aerobic Physical Exercise Adherence and Blood Lipid Profile Change of the Government Employee.
  • Nomor Panggil T18337fk


Efektivitas Pemeriksaan Mikroskopik Sebagai Metode Diagnostik Sederhana untuk Mendeteksi Malabsorpsi Lemak pada Anak
2015 | BY Ariani Dewi Widodo - Agus Firmansyah - Muzal Kadim
  • Effectivity of Microscopic Test as a Simple Diagnostic Method to Detect Fat Malabsorption in Children.
  • Nomor Panggil T15197FK


Deteksi Toksisitas Pajanan Toluena Terhadap Kenaikkan Nilai Malondialdehid Dan Perubahan Gambaran Vakuola Lipid Miokardium Tikus Wistar Jantan
2014 | BY HELENASARI TAMBUNAN - Fikri Effendi - Sutjahjo Endardjo
  • Toxicity Detection of Exposure to Toluene Towards Increase in Value of Malondialdehyde and Increase in Number of Lipid Vacuoles on Male Wistar Rat Myocardium
  • Nomor Panggil T14177fk


Pengaruh Pemberian Makanan Selingan Berserat Terhadap Perubahan Profil Lipid Penyandang Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2
2014 | BY Louise Kartika - Drupadi H. S. Dillon - Wismandari Wisnu
  • Effect of fiber snack supplementation on lipid profile in type 2 diabetes melitus patients
  • Nomor Panggil T14136fk


Kadar Lemak dalam ASI dan Pola Menyusui, serta Korelasinya dengan Pertumbuhan Bayi Usia 1 Bulan di RSIA Budi Kemuliaan
2015 | BY Diana Sunardi - Arti Indira - Hartono Gunardi
  • Breastmilk Lipid and Breastfeeding Patterns, a Correlation with Growth of One Month Old Infants at RSIA Budi Kemuliaan.
  • Nomor Panggil T15110FK


Pengaruh Pemberian Minyak Bekatul terhadap Profil Lipid pada Laki-laki Hiperkolesterolemia Ringan-Moderat Usia 19-55 tahun
2015 | BY Noor Diah Erlinawati - Dwirini Retno Gunarti - Samuel Oetoro
  • Effect of Rice Bran Oil on the Lipid Profile of Mild-Moderate Hypercholesterolemic Male Aged 19-55 years.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 100 FK