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Hubungan Latihan Fisik dengan Tingkat Kebugaran yang Diukur dengan Uji Arus Puncak Ekspirasi dan Uji Jalan 6 Menit pada Pegawai Nonstaf Universitas Indonesia Depok
2020 | BY Sakinasha Siva Utami - Menaldi Rasmin
  • Correlation between Physical Exercise and Fitness Level as Measured by the Expiratory Peak Flow Test and the 6-Minute Walking Test of the Non-staff Employees of the University of Indonesia, Depok.
  • Nomor Panggil S20066fk


The Relationship between Patient's Duration of Indonesian Asthma Gymnastics in Persahabatan Hospital's Asthma Club with The Value of Peak Expiratory Flow Rate Post Exercise
2018 | BY Irsa Gagah Himantoko - Faisal Yunus
  • Hubungan antara Durasi Pasien Mengikuti Senam Asma Indonesia di Klub Asma Rumah Sakit Persahabatan dengan Nilai Arus Puncak Ekspirasi Pasca Latihan.
  • Nomor Panggil S18196fk


Korelasi antara Derajat Kebiasaan Merokok dengan Arus Puncak Batuk, Arus Puncak Ekspirasi dan Kekuatan Otot Kuadriceps pada Laki-laki Dewasa Muda Perokok Aktif
2020 | BY Maryatul Qiptiah - Nury Nusdwinuringtyas - Tresia F.U. Tambunan - C. Martin Rumende - Sahat B.R.E Matondang
  • Correlation between the Degree of Cigarrette Smokers (Indeks Brinkman) to Peak Cough Flow, Peak Expiratory Flow and Quadriceps Muscle Strength in Young Adults Male Active Smokers.
  • Nomor Panggil T20195fk