Hasil Pencarian

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Pengaruh Diet Seimbang dan Sustainable Berbasis Aplikasi Smartphone terhadap Marker The Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance Perempuan Obesitas di Perkotaan
2018 | BY Novi Silvia Hardiany - Rina Agustina - Eka Febriyanti
  • Effect of Balanced and Sustainable Diet Using Smartphone Application on The Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance among Obese Women in Urban Areas.
  • Nomor Panggil T18203fk


Hubungan Obesitas, Diabetes mellitus tipe 2 dan Status Menopause pada Kanker Endometrium Tipe 1 dan Tipe 2
2018 | BY Mediana Sutopo Liedapraja - ANDRIJONO
  • Corelation between obesity, diabetes mellitus type 2, and menopausal statewith type 1 and type 2 endometrial cancer.
  • Nomor Panggil T18490fk


Uji Diagnostik Venous Clinical Severity Score dengan Klasifikasi Clinical Etiology-Anatomy-Pathophysiology pada Varises Vena Tungkai Bawah Perawat Ruang Operasi
2022 | BY Dimas Putra Asmoro - Akhmadu Muradi
  • Venous Clinical Severity Score Diagnostic Test with ClinicalEtiology-Anatomy-Pathophysiology Classification in Varicose Veins of the Lower Limb of Operating Room Nurse.
  • Nomor Panggil T22319fk


Peran ekstrak etanol biji ketumbar (Coriandrum Sativum L.) pada jaringan hati tikus yang diinduksi diet tinggi lemak: Kajian stres oksidatif dan penuaan seluler
2022 | BY Filda Vionita Irene de Lima - Syarifah Dewi - Novi Silvia Hardiany
  • Role of coriander seed ethanolic extract (Coriandrum Sativum L.) on the liver tissue of high fat diet-induced rat: Focused on the oxidative stress and cellular senescence.
  • Nomor Panggil T22289fk


Terapi Medik Gizi pada Pasien Sakit Kritis dengan Sepsis dan Obesitas: Kajian Peran Suplementasi Tiamin
2022 | BY Diana Sunardi - Wina Sinaga - Evania Astella Setiawan
  • Medical Nutrition Therapy in Critically Ill Patients with Sepsis and Obesity: Review of Thiamine Supplementation.
  • Nomor Panggil T22265fk


Peran Eicosapentaenoic dan Docosahexaenoic Acid Bagian dari Terapi Medik Gizi terhadap Massa Lemak Tubuh dan Penanda Inflamasi Pasien Kanker Payudara dengan Obesitas dalam Kemoradiasi
2022 | BY Nurul Ratna Mutu Manikam - Yohannessa Wulandari - Raphael Kosasih
  • The Role of Eicosapentaenoic and Docosahexaenoic Acid on Fat Mass and Inflammation Markers as part of Medical Nutrition Therapy in Breast Cancer Patients with Obesity on Chemoradiation.
  • Nomor Panggil T22263fk


Hubungan antara Obesitas dengan Lama Rawat Dan Kejadian Infeksi Nosokomial Pada Pasien Kritis Di Instalasi Rawat Intensif RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
2022 | BY VANIA ROSWENDA - Yohannessa Wulandari - Diyah Eka Andayani
  • Association between Obesity with Length of Stay and Incidence of Nosocomial Infection in Critically Ill Patient in Intensive Care Unit in Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T22243fk


Korelasi antara asupan eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) dengan massa otot dan kekuatan genggam tangan pada karyawan kantoran dengan obesitas
2022 | BY steffi Sonia - Yohannessa Wulandari - Dian Novianti
  • Correlation between eicosapentaenoic acid intake with muscle mass and handgrip strength in office workers with obesity.
  • Nomor Panggil T22241fk


Hubungan Obesitas Beserta Faktor-Faktor Lainnya terhadap Excessive Daytime Sleepiness pada Penerbang Sipil di Indonesia
2022 | BY Budi Sampurna - Radistrya Sekaranti Brahmanti - Nurhadi Ibrahim - Nuri Purwito Adi
  • The Association between Obesity and Other Factors with Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in Indonesian Civilian Pilots.
  • Nomor Panggil T22215fk


Pengaruh Aplikasi Elastic Taping terhadap Intensitas Nyeri, Lingkup Gerak Sendi dan Disabilitas Fungsional pada Pasien Obesitas dengan Nyeri Punggung Bawah Mekanik Kronik
2018 | BY Anton Kamseno - Tirza Z Tamin - Nyoman Murdana - Dewi Friska
  • The Effectiveness of Elastic Taping Application to Improve Pain, Range of Motion and Functional Disability in Obese Patient with Chronic Mechanical Low Back Pain.
  • Nomor Panggil T18268fk