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Efektivitas Pemberian Lisat dan Sekretom Sel Punca Mesenkimal Asal Jaringan Adiposa Rekombinan yang Mengandung Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Pada Tikus Sprague Dawley Dengan Defek Tulang Kritis
2024 | BY Retno Wahyu Nurhayati - Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan - Ismail Hadisoebroto Dilogo - Anissa Feby Canintika
  • Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Derived From Genetically-Modified Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells As A Novel Treatment Modality For Critical-Sized Bone Defects: A Preclinical Study In Sprague-Dawley Rats.
  • Nomor Panggil T24392fk


Rekayasa Sel Punca Mesenkim Rekombinan Pembawa Gen BMP-2 dengan Sistem Transduksi Lentivirus untuk Produksi Sekretom BMP-2
2024 | BY Retno Wahyu Nurhayati - Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan - Assyafiya Salwa
  • Engineered Recombinant Mesenchymal Stem Cells Harboring BMP-2 Gene Using Lentiviral Transduction for Production of BMP-2 Secretome.
  • Nomor Panggil T24350fk


Efek Pemberian Platelet-Rich Plasma terhadap Angiogenesis Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2: Tinjauan In Vitro pada VEGF.
2019 | BY Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan - KARINA - Pradana Soewondo - Septelia Inawati Wanandi
  • The Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Angiogenesis of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Patient: In Vitro Review on VEGF.
  • Nomor Panggil D19040fk


Pengembangan sistem skor sebagai prediktor kebocoran plasma pada demam berdarah dengue: peran sTNFR-1, VEGF, sVE-CADHERIN dalam patofisiologi kebocoran plasma.
2012 | BY Leonard Nainggolan - Djoko Widodo - Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan - Bambang Sutrisna
  • Development of the scoring system as a predictor of plasma leakage in dengue hemorrhagic fever: the role of sTNFR-1, VEGF, sVE-Cadherin in plasma leakage pathophysiology.
  • Nomor Panggil D12017fk


Efek Hipotermia 35oc rerhadap Toksisitas Lidokain pada Sel Neuroblastoma SH_Sy5y : Kajian Terhadap Viabilitas Sel dan Mekanisme Kematian Sel.
2013 | BY Aida Rosita Tantri - Amir Madjid - Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan - Fransiscus D. Suyatna
  • Nomor Panggil D13015fk


Pengaruh pemberian Conditioned Medium sel punca mesenkimal asal tali pusat manusia terhadap regenerasi saraf perifer tikus yang mengalami cedera.
2017 | BY Ria Margiana - Renindra Ananda Aman - Ahmad Aulia Jusuf - Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan
  • Effects of Giving Conditioned Medium of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell towards the regeneration of peripheral nerve of injured rats.
  • Nomor Panggil D17023fk


Peran lisat trombosit terhadap proliferasi dan marker invasi matrix metalloproteinase-9 dan epithelial-cadherin sel punca kanker payudara CD24 - /CD44 + dalam kaitannya dengan platelet derived growth factor-AB.
2017 | BY Wiwi Andralia - Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan - Septelia Inawati Wanandi - Alida Roswita Harahap
  • The role of platelet lysate on the CD24 - /CD44 + breast cancer stem cell proliferation and cancer invasion marker matrix metalloproteinase-9 and epithelial-cadherin, in the relation with platelet derived growth factor-AB.
  • Nomor Panggil D17003fk


Efek sekretom sel punca mesenkimal asal jaringan lemak dan tali pusat terhadap agresivitas sel punca kanker payudara.
2018 | BY Purnamawati - Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan - Andhika Rachman - Septelia Inawati Wanandi
  • Effects of adipose and umbilical cord tissue derived stem cell secretomes on the aggressiveness of breast cancer stem cells .
  • Nomor Panggil D18004fk


Direct reprogramming fibroblas primer manusia menjadi hepatocyte-like cells dengan faktor transkripsi Cebpa, Hnf4a, dan Nr1i2.
2022 | BY Melinda Remelia - Budiman Bela - Radiana Dhewayani Antarianto - Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan
  • Direct reprogramming of human primary fibroblast to hepatocyte-like cells with Cebpa, Hnf4a, and Nr1i2 transcription factors.
  • Nomor Panggil D22013fk


Human Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells’ Proliferative Capacity and Viability in Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) Solution
2017 | BY Stanislaus Ivanovich Krishnanda - Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan
  • Kapasitas Proliferasi dan Viabilitas Human Umbilical CordDerived Mesenchymal Stem Cells di Dalam Larutan Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS).
  • Nomor Panggil S17191fk