Hasil Pencarian

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Studi Imunogenisitas VLP L1 HPV 52 yang Diekspresikan pada H. polymorpha
2024 | BY Sheila Chairunnisa - Budiman Bela - Apon Zaenal Mustopa
  • Immunogenicity Study of HPV 52 L1 VLPs Expressed in H. polymorpha.
  • Nomor Panggil T24305fk


Isolasi, Purifikasi, dan Studi Imunogenitas Protein Rekombinan Resucitation Promoting Factor B (RpfB) Mycobacterium tuberculosis secara Invitro pada Splenosit Mencit
2015 | BY Burhannuddin - Andriansjah Rukmana - Fithriyah
  • Isolation, Purification, and Immunogenicity of Resucitation Promoting Factor B (RpfB) recombinant protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on Mice Splenocytes.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 261 FK


Pengembangan seed vaksin tuberkulosis: Konstruksi vaksin DNA resuscitation-promoting factor D (rpfD) serta analisis respon imun humoral dan seluler pada mencit Balb/c
2017 | BY Aprilia Rakhmawati - Anis Karuniawati - Andriansjah Rukmana
  • The development of tuberculosis vaccine seed: Construction of resuscitation-promoting factor D (rpfD) DNA vaccine and analysis of humoral and cellular immune responses in Balb/c mice .
  • Nomor Panggil T17377fk