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Peran Royal Jelly Topikal Dibandingkan Hidrokoloid dalam Penyembuhan Luka Steril Kulit: Kajian terhadap Ekspresi TNF-α, TGF-β dan Histopatologik Tikus serta Makroskopik Luka Manusia
2024 | BY Mirta Hediyati Reksodiputro - Putri Anugrah Rizki - Puspita Eka Wuyung
  • The Role of Topical Royal Jelly Compared to Hydrocolloids in Healing Sterile Skin Wounds: Study on TNF-α, TGF-β and Histopathological Expression in Rat and Macroscopic Wounds in Humans.
  • Nomor Panggil D24042fk


Prediktor Disfungsi Dasar Panggul Setelah Persalinan Pervaginam Menggunakan Penanda Metabolit Kolagen dan Elastin Serum.
2023 | BY Tyas Priyatini - Budi Iman Santoso - Herqutanto - Nuryati Chairani Siregar
  • Predictors of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction After Vaginal Delivery Using Collagen Metabolites and Serum Elastin Markers.
  • Nomor Panggil D23006fk


Telaah profil growth factor dan komposisi kolagen serta hubungannya dengan diferensiasi miofibroblas pada terjadinya striktur uretra pascatrauma: sebuah penelitian eksperimental pada kelini New Zealand.
2013 | BY Irfan Wahyudi - Akmal Taher - Dondin Sajuthi - Nuryati Chairani Siregar
  • Analysis of growth factors profile and collagen composition and their relationship with myofibroblast differentiation on post-traumatic urethral stricture: an experimental research on New Zealand rabbit.
  • Nomor Panggil D13003fk


Peningkatan Kolagen Total pada Model Striktur Uretra Kelinci New Zealand: Kajian Perubahan Kadar Enzim Matriks Metalo- proteinase, Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase dan Transforming Growth Factor-β.
2014 | BY Johannes Cansius Prihadi - Nuryati Chairani Siregar - Suwandi Sugandi - Aryono D Poesponegoro
  • Total Collagen Increase In New Zealand Rabbit Urethral Stricture Model : Study of Expression Changes In Matrix Metalloprotein, Tissue Inhibitor Of Metalloprotein And Transforming Growth Factor-β.
  • Nomor Panggil D14025fk


Aktivitas Hepatoprotektor Gambir (Uncaria gambir (Hunter) Roxb.) dalam Menghambat Pembentukan Kolagen dengan Menekan TIMP-1 (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1) in vivo.
2015 | BY Sri Ningsih - Wahono Sumaryono - Sri Widia A. Jusman - Erni H. Purwaningsih
  • Hepatoprotector activity of gambir (Uncaria gambir (Hunter) Roxb.) in inhibiting collagen formation by suppressing TIMP-1 (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1)) expression in vivo.
  • Nomor Panggil D15010fk


Keselarasan Skor USG dan Skor MRI serta Hubungannya dengan Kadar C-Terminal Telopeptide Type II Collagen Urin Dalam Deteksi Dini Artropati Hemofilik Lutut.
2016 | BY Marcel Prasetyo - Jacub Pandelaki - Angela B.M. Tulaar - Djajadiman Gatot
  • Association between Ultrasonographic and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score and Its Correlation to Urinary C-Terminal Telopeptide Type II Collagen Level in Early Detection of Knee Haemophilic Arthropathy.
  • Nomor Panggil D16024fk


Peran sitoglobin pada hipoksia jaringan fibrosis dengan keloid sebagai model.
2016 | BY Endah Wulandari - Mohamad Sadikin - Yefta Moenadjat - Sri Widia A. Jusman
  • The role of cytoglobin in fibrosis hypoxia with keloid as a model.
  • Nomor Panggil D16002fk


Peran TGF-β, Sitoglobin, miR-21, miR-29b sebagai Faktor Prediktor Awal Striktur Usus Pasca Strangulasi pada Tikus.
2020 | BY Agi Satria Putranto - Franciscus D. Suyatna - Vivian Soetikno - Yefta Moenadjat
  • Role of TGF-β, cytoglobin, miR-21, miR-29b as an early prediction for recognizing intestinal stricture in rat model.
  • Nomor Panggil D20007fk


The effect of using different concentration of povidone iodine 5% and povidone iodine 10% on number of PMN, fibroblast, and collagen of cutaneous wound healing
2015 | BY Claudya Dara Chaerunnisa - Ahmad Aulia Jusuf
  • Pengaruh perbedaan konsentrasi Povidone Iodine terhadap jumlah PMN, fibroblas, dan kolagen pada proses penyembuhan luka.
  • Nomor Panggil S15367fk


Potensi Gel Ekstrak Etanol Curcuma Domestica Val Untuk Penyembuhan Model Luka Bakar Mid Dermal Pada Tikus Sprague Dawley
2023 | BY Suci Mayastik Kastika - NAFRIALDI - Atikah Chalida Barasila
  • Potency of Curcuma domestica Val ethanol gel extract for mid dermal burn healing model on Sprague Dawley rat.
  • Nomor Panggil T23524fk