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Pengaruh Pajanan Static Magnetic Field terhadap Ekspresi Protein Dipeptydil peptidase 4, Gen Caveolin-1 dan GLUT4 pada Mencit Obes
2024 | BY Ariska Nur Aeni Pratiwi - Pudji Sari - Luluk Yunaini
  • The effect of Static Magnetic Field Exposure on the Expression of Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Protein, Caveolin-1, and GLUT4 genes in Obese Mice.
  • Nomor Panggil T24146fk


Asosiasi Sertoli Cell Only Syndrome melalui Nilai Kriteria Johnsen dengan Riwayat Varikokel pada Pasien Azoospermia
2016 | BY Michelle Eva Rebeca Natalia - Pudji Sari
  • Association between Sertoli Cell-Only Syndrome Assesed with Johnsen Score and Varicocele in Azoospermic Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil S16124FK


Efek Sekretom Sel Punca Mesenkimal Asal Jaringan Adiposa Donor Usia Muda dan Tua Terhadap Sel Fibroblas Yang Diinduksi UVB
2023 | BY Anabel Abiyyah Nugroho - Pudji Sari - KARINA
  • Effect of Secretome of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue in Old and Young Donors on Fibroblast Cells Induced by UVB.
  • Nomor Panggil T23580fk


Pengaruh pemajanan extremely low frequency electromagnetic field terhadap jumlah dan morfologi folikel sekunder mencit serta efek kumulatif antar generasi
2013 | BY Monika Besti Yolanda - Pudji Sari
  • The effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field exposure on the number and morphology of secondary follicles of mice and inter-generation cumulative effects.
  • Nomor Panggil S13127fk


Pajanan Pulsed Electromagnetic Field terhadap Penghambatan Adipogenesis Sel Punca Mesenkimal dan Ekspresi Relatif mRNA PPARɣ dan ADIPOQ
2019 | BY Nuzli Fahdia Mazfufah - Umiatin - Pudji Sari
  • Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Exposure on Adipogenesis Inhibition of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Relative mRNA Expression of PPARɣ and ADIPOQ.
  • Nomor Panggil T19262fk


Pemajanan Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Pada Penyembuhan Fraktur Femur Tikus Model Delayed Union : Tinjauan Ekspresi RANK, RANKL dan OPG Pada Kalus
2019 | BY Luluk Yunaini - Indhina Reihannisha - Pudji Sari
  • Exposure of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field on Rat Femoral Fracture Healing Process in Delayed Union Model : A Study on RANK, RANKL and OPG Expression in Callus.
  • Nomor Panggil T19038fk