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Pengaruh Penambahan Glutathione Pada Media Kriopreservasi Terhadap Kualitas Spermatozoa, Fosforilasi Tirosin, Ekspresi Protein Akrosin, Caspase-3, Reaksi Akrosom Dan Ultrastruktur Spermatozoa : Kaitannya Dengan Kualitas Embrio Mencit
2024 | BY R. Mulyoto Pangestu - Andon Hestiantoro - Silvia Werdhy Lestari - Zuraida
  • Effects of Glutathione Supplementation in Cryopreservation Media on Spermatozoa Quality, Tyrosine Phosphorylation, Acrosin Protein Expression, Caspase-3 Expression, Acrosome Reaction, and Ultrastructure: Relevance to Mouse Embryo Quality.
  • Nomor Panggil D24032fk


Efek suplementasi vitamin D3 terhadap kadar glutation tereduksi (GSH) dan glutation teroksidasi (GSSG) pada ginjal tikus model prediabetes
2022 | BY William Nathaniel - Melva Louisa
  • Effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on reduced glutathione (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) levels in the kidney of prediabetic rat models.
  • Nomor Panggil S22134fk


Pengaruh Efek Perlindungan Hipoksia Hipobarik Intermiten (HHI) Terhadap Kadar Glutation pada Jaringan Hati Tersimpan Tikus Sprague Dawley
2022 | BY Fakhri Rahmadiansyah - Yul Hasri
  • Effect of Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia (IHH) on Glutathione Levels in Liver Tissue of Sprague Dawley Rats.
  • Nomor Panggil S22111fk


Pengaruh Ekstrak Pegagan (Centella asiatica) terhadap Kadar GSH Jaringan Otak Tikus Rattus norvegicus Usia 12, 24, dan 36 Minggu
2022 | BY Darren Alfonsus Wanri - Ninik Mudjihartini
  • The Effect of Pegagan (Centella asiatica) on GSH Level in the Brain of 12, 24, and 36 Week Old Rattus norvegicus.
  • Nomor Panggil S22088fk


Pengaruh Ekstrak Tanaman Akar Kucing (Acalypha indica) dan Pegagan (Centella asiatica) terhadap Kadar GSH pada Otak Tikus Sprague Dawley Tua
2019 | BY Estiana Filzadiyanti - Ninik Mudjihartini
  • The Effect Tanaman Akar Kucing (Acalypha indica) and Pegagan (Centella asiatica) on GSH level in Old Sprague Dawley’s Brain.
  • Nomor Panggil S19113fk


Efek Ekstrak Air Cengkeh pada Tikus yang Diinduksi CCl4: Perubahan Kadar Glutation Tereduksi pada Organ Hati dan Plasma Darah
2017 | BY Muhammad Sobri Maulana - Ani Retno Prijanti
  • Effect of Clove Water Extract to the changes of Glutation (GSH) levels in Wistar Rats with CCl4-induced liver and blood plasm.
  • Nomor Panggil S17163fk


Pengaruh Pemberian Oncom Merah dan Pengaruh Pemberian Oncom Hitam terhadap Kadar Glutation Tereduksi dan Malondialdehid Hati Tikus yang Diberi CCl4
2018 | BY Syifa Sekar Larasati - Mohamad Sadikin
  • The Effect of Red Oncom Administration and The Effect of Black Oncom Administration to Reduced Glutathione and Malondialdehyde Level on Rat’s Liver which is Given CCl4.
  • Nomor Panggil S18051fk


The Effect of Intermittent Hypobaric-Hypoxia on Rat’s Cerebellar Glutathione (GSH)”
2016 | BY Hansens Yansah - Sri Widia A. Jusman
  • Pengaruh perlakuan hipoksia-hipobarik intermiten terhadap kadar Glutathione (GSH) pada serebelum tikus.
  • Nomor Panggil S16199fk


Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Bekatul Varietas IPB3S Terhadap Kadar Glutation (GSH) Pada Hati Tikus Yang Diinduksi Karbon Tetraklorida (CCl4)
2016 | BY Teuku Abdi Zil Ikram - Dwirini Retno Gunarti
  • Effect of rice bran variety IPB3S extract to level of Glutathione (GSH) in the rats liver induced by CCl 4
  • Nomor Panggil S16155FK


Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Bekatul Varietas IPB3S terhadap Kadar GSH Organ Testis Tikus Sprague-Dawley yang Diinduksi Karbon Tetraklorida
2016 | BY Mochammad Kamal Nasser - Dwirini Retno Gunarti
  • Effect of IPB3S Rice Bran Extract on Glutathione (GSH) Level in Testes Against Carbon Tetracholride (CCl ) Intoxication in Rats.
  • Nomor Panggil S16129FK