Hasil Pencarian

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Penanda Kejadian Metastasis Tulang pada Pasien Kanker Payudara Stadium Lanjut: Analisis Tentang Ekspresi CXCR4, IL11-RA, TFF1, MLF1P dan Profil Genetik Microarray mRNA.
2015 | BY Cosphiadi Irawan - Muchtaruddin Mansyur - Tubagus Djumhana Atmakusuma - Bin Tean Teh - Abdul Muthalib
  • Marker of Bone Metastatic in Advanced Breast Cancer Patients: Analysis on Expression of CXCR4, IL-11RA, TFF1, MLF1P and Genetic Expression Microarray mRNA.
  • Nomor Panggil D15036fk


Antibodi anti-HLA Kelas I pada serum resipien transfusi darah berulang sebagai penyebab inkompatibilitas trombosit pre-transfusi.
2015 | BY NI KEN RITCHIE - Djumhana Atmakusuma - Rahajuningsih S Dharma - Sentot Santoso
  • Anti-HLA Class I antibody in the serum of repeatedly blood transfusion recipients as the cause of pre-transfusion platelet incompatibility.
  • Nomor Panggil D15022fk


Evaluasi Kadar Kidney Injury Molecule-1 (KIM-1) dan Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) dalam Urin untuk Mendeteksi Gangguan Fungsi Ginjal pada Pasien Kanker Nasofaring dengan Kemoterapi Berbasis Sisplatin
2017 | BY Rianto Setiabudy - Marliana Sri Rejeki - Wawaimuli Arozal - Djumhana Atmakusuma
  • Evaluation of Urinary Kidney Injury Molecule-1 (KIM-1) and Neutrophil-Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) levels to Detect Kidney Dysfunction in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Cancer treated with Cisplatin-based chemotherapy.
  • Nomor Panggil T17221fk


Penilaian Kemungkinan Kejadian Emboli Paru dengan Menggunakan Skor Revisi Geneva pada Pasien Kanker Padat: Hubungannya dengan Trombosis Vena Dalam dan Tipe Histopatologi
2019 | BY Eka Widya Khorinal - Noorwati Sutandyo - Tubagus Djumhana Atmakusuma - Sukamto Koesnoe
  • Risk Assessement of Pulmonary Embolism using Revised Geneva Score in Solid Tumor Patient: The Relationship with Deep Vein Thrombosis and Histopathology Type.
  • Nomor Panggil T19392fk


Kesintasan Pasien Kanker Payudara yang Mendapat Kemoterapi Berbasis Antrasiklin di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kotamadya Bogor : Peran Kelengkapan Imunohistokimia dan Imaging
2019 | BY Marthino Robinson - Tubagus Djumhana Atmakusuma - Cosphiadi Irawan - Hamzah Shatri
  • The Survival of Breast Cancer Patients That Get Anthracyclin–Based Chemotherapy in RSUD Kotamadya Bogor : The Role of Immunohistochemistry and Imaging.
  • Nomor Panggil T19253fk


Perbanding Profil Koagulasi Tumor Otak Primer dan Tumor Otak Sekunder
2016 | BY Dyah Tunjungsari - Tiara Aninditha - Djumhana Atmakusuma - Freddy Sitorus - Joedo Prihartono
  • Coagulation Profile Comparison Between Primary Brain Tumor and Secondary Brain Tumor.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 174 FK


Perubahan Kadar Feritin Serum dan Saturasi Transferin pada Pasien Kanker Nasofaring Pasca Kemoradiasi dan Transfusi Sel Darah Merah serta Korelasinya dengan Stres Oksidatif
2016 | BY Nadia Ayu Mulansari - Tubagus Djumhana Atmakusuma - Lugyanti Sukrisman - Kuntjoro Harimurti
  • Serum Ferritin and Transferrin Saturation Changes in Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients undergoing Chemoradiation with Red Blood Cell Transfusion and Its Correlation with Oxidative Stress.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 138 FK


Uji Kesahihan dan Keandalan Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI) versi Bahasa Indonesia pada Pasien Kanker
2015 | BY Nurul Paramita - Nury Nusdwinuringtyas - Raden Irawati Ismail - Siti Annisa Nuhonni - Djumhana Atmakusuma
  • Validity and Reliability of Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI)- Indonesian Version in Cancer Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 287 FK


Profil Antibodi Antiglikoprotein Permukaan Trombosit Pada Pasien Trombositopenia Imun Primer Dewasa
2014 | BY Fransiska - Djumhana Atmakusuma - Lugyanti Sukrisman - Murdani Abdullah
  • Antiplatelet Glycoprotein Antibody Profile In Adult Primary Immune Thrombocytopenia Patients
  • Nomor Panggil T14150fk


Target pencapaian kadar hemoglobin pra dan pascatransfusi darah pasien dewasa thalassemia beta bergantung transfusi : faktor-faktor risiko dan hubungannya dengan ukuran limpa
2019 | BY Edison Yantje Parulian Saragih - Tubagus Djumhana Atmakusuma - WULYO Rajabto - Sukamto Koesnoe
  • Target achievement of hemoglobin levels pre and post blood transfusion in adult transfusion dependent beta thalassemia patients : risk factors and the relationship to the size of the spleen.
  • Nomor Panggil T19569fk