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Efek radiasi 50gy, 150gy, 300gy di kartilago tulang femur distal yang dilakukan tehnik extracorpored irradiation sebuah uji eksperimental di femur distal white rat sprague dawley (rattus novergicus)
2013 | BY I Wayan Subawa - Achmad Fauzi Kmal - Yogi Probowo - Saukani Gumay
  • Effects of 50gy, 150gy, 300gy irradiation doses in the distal femur cartilage done extracorporeal irradiation tehniques am experimental study of the distal femur sprague dawley rats
  • Nomor Panggil T13119FK


Peran membran amnion liofilisasi steril dalam tatalaksana fraktur dengan defek tulang : sebuah studi eksperimental pada tikus putih sprague dawley
2013 | BY Iman Dwi Winanto - Achmad Fauzi Kmal - Yogi Probowo - H. Ahmad Aulia Jusuf - Marcel Prasetyo
  • Role of sterile lyophilized amniotic membrane in treatment of fracture with bone defect : an experimental study on sprague dawley
  • Nomor Panggil T13118FK


Biokompatibilitas scaffold in vivo dan pengaruhnya terhadap penyembuhan fraktur kominutif pada tikus sprague-dawley
2013 | BY Harmantya Mahadhipta - Achmad Fauzi Kmal - Evelina K - Nyimas Diana Y
  • Role of biocompatibility of scaffold in influencing comminuted fracture healing in sprague-dawley rat
  • Nomor Panggil T13117FK