Hasil Pencarian

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Korelasi antara Kekuatan otot Tungkai Sisi Paresis dengan Kemampuan Berjalan pada Pasien Stroke
2015 | BY Cleophas Martin Rumende - Widjajalaksmi Kusumaningsih - Rita Haryanti - Ira Mistivani
  • Correlation between Lower Limb Muscles Strength on Paretic Side and Walking Ability in Chronic Stroke Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 250 FK


Korelasi antara asupan dan kadar vitamin C, E dengan kadar Interleukin 6 serum sebagai penanda inflamasi pada pekerja pabrik asbes
2015 | BY Agus Dwi Susanto - Zuainah Saswati Hasibuan - Diyah Eka Andayani
  • Correlations between Intakes and Levels of Vitamin C and Vitamin E and Level of Interleukin 6 serum as a marker of inflammation in Asbestos Factory Workers
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 009 FK


Profil lipid pada pasien skizofrenia serta korelasinya dengan indikator status gizi dan pola gaya hidup
2015 | BY Hervita Diatri - Saptawati Bardosono - Christin Santun Sriati Lumbantobing
  • Lipid profile in patients with schizophrenia and their correlation with indicators of nutritional status and lifestyle patterns
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 008 FK


Korelasi Antara Rasio Lemak Viseral Abdomen : Lemak Subkutan Abdomen Dengan Tekanan Darah
2015 | BY Parlindungan Siregar - Natassa Karrameita - Meilani Kumala
  • Correlation Between Ratio of Abdominal Visceral Adipose Tissue : Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue with Blood Pressure
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 005 FK


Korelasi asupan dan kadar vitamin C, E dengan kadar isoprostan pekerja pabrik asbes
2015 | BY Carolina Paolin Kanaga - Feni Fitriani - Diyah Eka Andayani
  • Correlation between Intakes and Level of Vitamin C and E and Isoprostane Level in Asbestos Factory Workers
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 001 FK