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Efek Lunasin pada Ekspresi Caspase 3 Kolon Mencit Diinduksi Dextran Sodium Sulfate dan Azoksimetana
2021 | BY Muhammad Dzaky Darmawan
  • Effect of Lunasin to Caspase-3 Expression in Dextran Sodium Sulfate and Azoxymethane Induced Mice Colon.
  • Nomor Panggil S21158fk


Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Kedelai Kaya Lunasin pada Ekspresi Protein E-cadherin Jaringan Kolon Mencit yang Diinduksi AOM/DSS
2022 | BY Muhammad Abimanyu Satrio Wibowo - Kusmardi
  • Effect of Lunasin-Rich Soybean Extract on E-Cadherin Protein Expression on Colon Tissues of Mice Induced by Azoxymethane and Dextran Sodium Sulfate.
  • Nomor Panggil S22143fk


Peran Ekstrak Kedelai Kaya Lunasin dalam Penurunan Ekspresi MMP-9 Jaringan Kolon Mencit yang Diinduksi AOM/DSS
2022 | BY Muhammad Ikhsanul Azizi - Kusmardi
  • Inhibition of MMP-9 Expression by Lunasin-rich Soybean Extract on Colon Tissues of Mice Induced by Azoxymethane and Dextran Sodium Sulfate.
  • Nomor Panggil S22083fk


Pengaruh Ekstrak Kedelai Kaya Lunasin pada Ekspresi Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Jaringan Kolon Mencit yang Diinduksi AOM/DSS
2022 | BY Muhammad Fakhri Prayitno - Kusmardi
  • Effect of Lunasin-Rich Soybean Extract on Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Expression on Colonic Tissue of AOM/DSS-Induced Mice.
  • Nomor Panggil S22059fk


Pengaruh Ekstrak Kedelai Kaya Lunasin terhadap Ekspresi TNF-α pada Epitel Kolon Mencit yang Diinduksi Azoxymethane dan Dextran Sodium Sulfate
2018 | BY Renata Tamara - Kusmardi
  • Effect of Lunasin-Rich Soybean Extract to Expression of TNF-α on Mice’s Colonic Epithelial Cell Induced with Azoxymethane dan Dextran Sodium Sulfate.
  • Nomor Panggil S18043fk


Studi Pendahuluan Efek Pemberian Minyak Ikan Kaya Omega-3 pada Histopatologi Ginjal Mencit yang Diinduksi Azoksimetan dan Dekstran Sodium Sulfat
2017 | BY Kusmardi - Paulus Anthony Halim
  • The Effect of Omega-3 Rich Fish Oil on the Histopathology of Kidney in Mice Induced by Azoxymethane and Dextran Sodium Sulfate: A Preliminary Study.
  • Nomor Panggil S17001fk


The Effect of Lunasin Extract on The Rectum Histopathology of Mice Induced by Azoxymethane and Dextran Sodium Sulfate
2016 | BY Avicenna Akbar - Kusmardi
  • Efek Ekstrak Lunasin Terhadap Histopatologi Rectum Mencit Yang Diinduksi Oleh Azoxymethane dan Dextran Sodium Sulfate.
  • Nomor Panggil S16221fk


Efek Pemberian Lunasin terhadap Histopatologi Hati Mencit yang Diinduksi oleh Azoksimetan (AOM) dan Dekstran Sodium Sulfat (DSS)
2016 | BY Kusmardi - Heriyanto Khiputra
  • Effect of Lunasin on Histopathology of Liver in Mice Induced with Azoxymethane (AOM) and Dextran Sodium Sulfate (DSS).
  • Nomor Panggil S16184FK


The effect of azoxymethane and dextran sodium sulfate induction to dysplasia of Balb/c and C3H strain mice colon tissue
2015 | BY Kusmardi - Jose Suryanegara
  • Efek Induksi Azoxymethane dan Dextran Sodium Sulfate Terhadap Displasia Pada Jaringan Kolon Mencit.
  • Nomor Panggil S15353FK


The Influence of Azoxymethane (AOM) and Dextran Sodium Sulphate (DSS) Induction to Hyperplasia in Colon of Mice
2015 | BY Kusmardi - Kevin Culham
  • Pengaruh Induksi Azoxymethane (AOM) dan Dextran Sodium Sulphate (DSS) ke Hiperplasia di Kolon Mencit .
  • Nomor Panggil S15352FK