Hasil Pencarian

✨ 26 results found - Searched 21153 records in 4ms.


Prostate Cancer : a Multidisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis and Management
2015 | BY Dicker, Adam P. - Wm. Kevin Kelly - Edouard J. Trabulsi
  • Nomor Panggil WJ 762 D549 2015


Evaluasi Manfaat Uji Mikroskopik untuk Deteksi Dini Pneumonia Akibat Jamur
2021 | BY Artha Uli Cristina
  • Evaluating the Usefulness of Microscopy Examination for Early Detection of Fungal Pneumonia.
  • Nomor Panggil S21137fk


Oxford textbook of cancer in children 7th edition
2020 | BY Caron, Hubert N. - Biondi, Andrea - Boterberg, Tom - Doz, François
  • Nomor Panggil QZ 275 C2931 2020


Intervensi Pembelajaran Keterampilan Regulasi Diri dengan Perspektif Mindfulness pada Remaja dengan Gangguan Tingkah Laku di Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama di Jakarta.
2013 | BY Suzy Yusna Dewi - Martina Wiwie S. Nasrun - Sudigdo Sastroasmoro - Irwanto
  • Intervention of Learning Self Regulation to Mindfulness Perspective in Adolescent with Conduct Disorder in Junior High School, Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil D13018fk


Deteksi dini palsi serebral pada bayi risiko tinggi: peran berbagai variabel klinis dan USG kepala.
2013 | BY RA Setyo Handryastuti - Sofyan Ismael - Sudigdo Sastroasmoro
  • Early detection of cerebral palsy in high-risk babies: The role of clinical variables and cerebral ultrasound.
  • Nomor Panggil D13006fk


Penggunaan Spektrofotometri Autofluoresensi dalam Klasifikasi Preparat Blok Parafin Jaringan Lambung Mencit Normal, Inflamasi dan Prekanker
2022 | BY Aziza Hana Salsabila - Aryo Tedjo
  • Use of Autofluorescence Spectrophotometry in Classification of Paraffin Block Preparations of Normal, Inflammatory and Precancerous Mice Gastric Tissue.
  • Nomor Panggil S22048fk


Perbandingan Hasil Pemeriksaan Immunodiffusion Test (IDT) Aspergillus dengan Deteksi Galaktomanan pada Pasien Terduga Aspergilosis Paru Invasif di Laboratorium Parasitologi FKUI
2020 | BY Rizky Farandi Mubasir - Anna Rozaliyani
  • Comparison of Aspergillus Immunodiffusion Test (IDT) to Galactomannan Detection in Suspected Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis Patients at Parasitology Laboratory, FMUI.
  • Nomor Panggil S20089fk


Inovasi Metode Deteksi Kanker Paru Non-Invasif Menggunakan Balon Karet Sebagai Penampung Napas-Hembusan (Exhaled- Breath) Terkondensasi, Berbasis Pemeriksaan Metilasi DNA Dengan Methylation-Specific PCR dan Analisis Gas Senyawa Organik Dengan Gas Chromathography Mass Spectrometry.
2018 | BY Wiwien Heru Wiyono - Achmad Hudoyo - Dwi Anita Suryandari - Ahmad Utomo
  • Simple Latex Baloon Reservoir System to Collect Exhaled Breathing Condensate as Novel Non-Invasive Lung Cancer Detection Method Based on DNAMethylation with Methylation Specific PCR and Volatyl Organic Compounds Analysiswith Gas ChromatographyMass Spectrometry.
  • Nomor Panggil D18006fk


Studi Komparatif Pemeriksaan Deteksi Antibodi (Serologi) dengan Kultur Sputum pada Pasien Suspek Aspergilosis Paru
2016 | BY Rifka Fadhilah - RIdhawati Syam
  • Comparative Study between Antibody Detection and Sputum Culture in Patient with Suspected Pulmonary Aspergillosis .
  • Nomor Panggil S16080FK


Perbandingan Akurasi Deteksi Ovulasi antara Suhu Basal Tubuh, Lendir Serviks dan Kombinasi Keduanya dengan Pemeriksaan Ultrasonografi
2017 | BY Alexander Mukti - Eka Rusdianto Gunardi
  • The Ovulation Detection Accuracy between Body Basal Temperature, Cervical Mucus and Combination of Both Compared to Ultrasound Examination.
  • Nomor Panggil T17142fk