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Efek Hambatan dan Viabilitas Sel Virus Dengue Serotipe 2 Strain New Gueina C oleh Senyawa Murni Piperin terhadap Sel Vero Pada Mekanisme Pre-Post Infeksi dan Post Infeksi
2019 | BY Atika Mahira Yanfaunnas - Beti Ernawati Dewi
  • The Effect of Resistance and Cell Viability of Dengue Virus-2 strain NGC Replication on Infected Vero Cell during pre-post and post infection by Piperine.
  • Nomor Panggil S19126fk


Perbandingan Penghambatan Reseptor dan Proses Penempelan Virus Dengue Pada Sel Vero dari Senyawa Murni Piperin
2019 | BY Nida Ghitha Aulia - Beti Ernawati Dewi
  • Comparison between Cell’s Receptor and Virus Attachment on Vero Cells from Pure Piperine Compound .
  • Nomor Panggil S19081fk


Pengaruh Eugenol dan Piperin terhadap Mortalitas, Aktivitas Enzim Detoksifikasi, dan Kelainan Histopatologi Midgut dari Larva Aedes aegypti L
2022 | BY Ayleen Huang - Rizal Subahar
  • Effects of Eugenol and Piperine on Aedes aegypti L (Diptera: Culicidae) Larvae Mortality, Detoxification Enzymes Activity, and Midgut Histopathological Changes.
  • Nomor Panggil S22020fk


Telaah Sistematis Potensi Peran Piperine Sebagai Radiosensitizer pada Sel Kanker
2020 | BY Aslim Taslim - Soehartati Gondhowiardjo - Endang Nuryadi - Heri Wibowo
  • The Potential Role of Piperine as Radiosensitizer in Cancer Cell : A Systematic Review.
  • Nomor Panggil T20226fk


The Effectivity of Piperine as Antiviral Against Dengue Virus-2 strain New Guinea C in Human Cell Line
2019 | BY Heidi Indraswara Satari
  • Efektivitas Piperine sebagai Antivirus Dengue Virus Serotipe-2 Galur New Guinea C di Lini Sel Manusia.
  • Nomor Panggil S19178fk