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Pengaruh model environmental enrichment yang dikombinasi dengan latihan fisik aerobik terhadap fungsi memori spasial: kajian ekspresi Synaptophysin, Subunit GluR1 AMPAR, dan Postsynaptic density-95
2017 | BY Diah Ayu Aguspa Dita - Neng Tine Kartinah - Nurul Paramita
  • The Effects Environmental Enrichment Model combined with Aerobic Physical Exercise on Spatial Memory Function: Study on The Expression of Synaptophysin, AMPAR GluR1 Subunit, and Postsynaptic Density-95.
  • Nomor Panggil T17232fk


Fungsi Memori Spasial Tikus pada Kombinasi Latihan Aerobik dan Environmental Enrichment Kontinyu: Kajian IGF-1 dan FGF-2 Hipokampus
2018 | BY Rena Mailani - Sophie Yolanda - Sri Redjeki
  • Spatial Memory Function of Rats Treated with Combination of Aerobic Exercise and Continuous Environmental Enrichment: Study of Hippocampal IGF-1 and FGF-2.
  • Nomor Panggil T18249fk


Paparan Kombinasi Environmental Enrichment Kontinyu dan Latihan Aerobik Terhadap Fungsi Memori Spasial: Tinjauan BDNF dan NGF Hipokampus Tikus
2018 | BY Kesit Ivanali - Sri Redjeki - Sophie Yolanda
  • Exposure of continuous environmental enrichment and aerobic exercise on spatial memory function: focus on rat hippocampal BDNF and NGF.
  • Nomor Panggil T18247fk


Peran latihan fisik aerobik, model environmental enrichment (EE) dan kombinasinya terhadap memori spasial tikus Wistar jantan: Kajian ekspresi protein neuroligin-1 dan PSD-95
2017 | BY Faizah Abdullah - Ria Kodariah - Sri Redjeki
  • The effect of aerobic exercise, environmental enrichment and their combination on spatial memory of Wistar male rats: Study on expression of neuroligin-1 and PSD-95.
  • Nomor Panggil T17376fk