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Perbandingan Penggunaan Kateter 24 Jam dan 48 Jam Pascaoperasi Prolaps Organ Panggul Terhadap Insidens Retensio Urin
2019 | BY Rendra Saputra - Suskhan Djusad- Comparison of 24-hour and 48-hour Catheter Postoperative Pelvic Organ Prolapse Against Incidence of Urinary Retention.
- Nomor Panggil T19478fk
Hubungan antara panjang genital hiatus, badan perineum dan titik Bp terhadap keluhan konstipasi pada perempuan dengan prolaps kompartemen posterior
2019 | BY Hadrians Kesuma Putra - Suskhan Djusad - Joedo Prihartono- Relationship among length of genital hiatus, perineal body and Bp point with constipation at women with posterior compartment prolapse.
- Nomor Panggil T19169fk