Hasil Pencarian

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Efek Alphacalcidol terhadap Konsentrasi Interleukin-23 pada Penyakit Graves
2016 | BY Pringgodigdo Nugroho - Yuhana Fitra - Imam Subekti - R.R. Dyah Purnamasari
  • The Effect of Alphacalcidol on Interleukin-23 Concentration in Graves’ Disease.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 126 FK


Kadar Pentosidine Serum dan Endogenous Secretory Receptor of Advanced Glycation End Products pada Perempuan Pramenopause Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 sebagai Faktor Penentu Kualitas Tulang: Dampak pada Procollagen 1 Intact N-Terminal Propeptides
2018 | BY Pringgodigdo Nugroho - Stella Ilone - Bambang Setiyohadi - Dyah Purnamasari
  • Level of Serum Pentosidine and Endogenous secretory of Advanced Glycation End Products in Premenopausal Women with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus as a Predictor of Bone Quality: impact on Procollagen 1 Intact N-Terminal Propeptides.
  • Nomor Panggil T18384fk


Korelasi Derajat Periodontitis dengan Kekakuan Arteri Penyandang DM tipe 2
2017 | BY Pringgodigdo Nugroho - Anandhara Indriani Khumaedi - Ika Prasetya Wijaya - Dyah Purnamasari
  • Correlation between Periodontitis with Arterial Stiffness in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes.
  • Nomor Panggil T17509fk


Penurunan Turnover Tulang pada Perempuan Premenopause dengan DM Tipe 2 sebagai Proses Awal Terjadinya Diabetoporosis
2017 | BY Pringgodigdo Nugroho - Melisa Diah Puspitasari - Bambang Setyohadi - Dyah Purnamasari
  • Low bone turnover in premenopausal women with type 2 diabetes mellitus as an early process of diabetoporosis.
  • Nomor Panggil T17425fk


Hubungan first degree relatives diabetes melitus tipe 2 dengan penyakit perlemakan hati non alkoholik pada populasi dewasa muda normotensi dan normoglikemik
2019 | BY Ahmad Hazim - Dyah Purnamasari - C. Rinaldi A. Lesmana - Pringgodigdo Nugroho
  • Association between first degree relatives (FDR) of type 2 diabetes mellitus and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in young adult population with normal glucose tolerance and normotension .
  • Nomor Panggil T19080fk


Perbedaan Tebal Kompleks Intima Media Arteri Karotis antara First-Degree Relatives (FDR ) dan Non-FDR DM Tipe 2 pada Subjek Dewasa Muda Normotensi dan Normoglikemik
2019 | BY Muhammad Syah Abdaly - Dyah Purnamasari - Ika Prasetya Wijaya - Pringgodigdo Nugroho
  • Comparation of Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Diabetes First- Degree Relatives (FDR ) and Non-FDR in Normoglycemia and Normotension Young Adult Population.
  • Nomor Panggil T19065fk