Hasil Pencarian

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Hubungan Hitung Jumlah Leukosit Jaringan Vena dengan Time Refluks Vena Saphena Magna pada Pasien Bedah Pintas Arteri Koroner
2014 | BY Barita Sitompul - Ismoyo Sunu - Danayu Sanni Prahasti - Sunarya Soerianata
  • Correlation between Vein Tissue Leukocyte Count and Great Saphenous Vein Reflux Time in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Patients
  • Nomor Panggil T14499fk


Perbandingan Efek Lisinopril dan Amlodipin terhadap Kekakuan Pembuluh Arteri pada Pasien Hipertensi yang Belum Pernah Diobati
2015 | BY Ayuthia Putri Sedyawan - Nani Hersunarti - Ismoyo Sunu - Barita Sitompul
  • Aortic Stiffness in Native Hypertension – Amlodipin versus Lisinopril Administration (ASHALINA study)
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 256 FK


Perbedaan Efek Pemberian Koloid dan Kristaloid terhadap Endotelial Glikokaliks pada Pasien Pasca Bedah Pintas Arteri Koroner
2015 | BY Ima Ansari Kusuma - Ismoyo Sunu - Dafsah Arifa Juzar - Barita Sitompul
  • Contrasting Effect of Colloid and Crystalloid Administration on Endothelial Glycocalyx in Post Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 253 FK


Korelasi flow mediated dilation brakial dengan beratnya stenosis penyakit arteri koroner
2013 | BY Erwin Mulia - Ismoyo Sunu - Andang H. Joesoef - Barita Sitompul
  • Correlation of brachial flow mediated dilation with severity of coronary artery disease.
  • Nomor Panggil T13169fk


Peran N-Asetisistein terhadap kejadian penurunan fungsi gijal paska operasi bedah pintas arteri koroner
2011 | BY Zainuddin - Nani Hersunarti - Ismoyo Sunu - Barita Sitompul
  • Nomor Panggil T 11 0 17 fk


Hubungan Kadar Soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 dan Soluble Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule- 1 dengan Gradasi Trombosis Atrium Kiri pada Stenosis Mitral
2013 | BY Barita Sitompul - Elen - Ismoyo Sunu - Yoga Yuniadi
  • Association between Soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 and Soluble Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 Levels and Left Atrial Thrombosis Gradation in Mitral Stenosis.
  • Nomor Panggil T13352fk