Hasil Pencarian

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Uji kesahihan dan keandalan QoR-40 sebagai instrumen untuk menilai kualitas pemulihan pascaanestesia umum
2016 | BY Dini handayani putri - Eddy Harijanto - Andi Ade Wijaya
  • Validity and reliability test QoR - 40 version of Indonesia to assess the quality of recovery after general anesthesia.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 136 FK


Perbandingan Efektivitas Tablet Hisap Amylmetacresol-dibenal dengan Profilaksis Deksametason Intravena sebelum pemasangan pipa endotrakeal untuk Mengurangi Kekerapan Nyeri Tenggorok Pascaoperasi
2015 | BY Dedy Kurnia - Eddy Harijanto - Riyadh Firdaus
  • Comparison of the Effectiveness Between Amylmetacresol- dibenal Lozenges and Prophylactic Intravenous Dexamethasone before Intubation to Reduce the Incidence of Postoperative Sore Throat (POST.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 461 FK


Keefektifan Pencegahan Post Anesthesia Shivering (PAS): Perbandingan Antara Pemberian Ondansetron 4 mg Intravena Dengan Meperidin 0.35 mg/kgBB Intravena Pada Ras Melayu Di RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
2015 | BY Arnaz Fahdika - Eddy Harijanto - Alfan Mahdi
  • Effectiveness of Prevention of Post Anesthesia Shivering (PAS): Comparison Between administration of Ondansetron 4 mg intravenous With 0.35 mg/kgBW Meperidine Intravenous In the Malay race in RSUPN dr. CiptoMangunkusumo.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 460 FK


Perbandingan Kecepatan Penyuntikan Fentanil 5 Detik dan 20 Detik Terhadap Angka Kejadian Fentanyl-Induced Cough (FIC) pada Pasien Ras Melayu yang Menjalani Anestesia Umum
2015 | BY Safroni - Eddy Harijanto - Rudyanto Sedono
  • Comparison injection rate of fentanyl between 5 seconds and 20 seconds to incidence fentanyl-induced cough (FIC) at Melayu race patients that underwent general anesthesia.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 433 FK


Faktor Komorbiditas Prabedah dan Jenis Operasi Sebagai Prediktor AKI Pascabedah Elektif yang dirawat di ICU RSCM
2016 | BY Berri Primayana - Eddy Harijanto - Aldy Heriwardito
  • Preoperative Comorbidities and Type of Surgery as Predictors of Postoperative AKI in Patients Electively Admitted in ICU RSCM Immediately after Surgery.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 450 FK


Kekerapan Gangguan Tidur Pada Peserta PPDS Anestesiologi dan Terapi Intensif FKUI dan Faktor- Faktor Yang Mempengaruhinya
2016 | BY JEFFERSON - Astrid Pratiwi - Eddy Harijanto
  • Incidence Of Sleep Disorder In Resident Of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care At Faculty Of Medicine Of Indonesia University And The Factors Affecting.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 449 FK