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Efek suplementasi ekstrak Ophiocephalus striatus terhadap luas penampang otot rektus femoris, otot bisep brakii, kadar prealbumin, dan imbang nitrogen pasien sakit kritis dengan ventilator
2019 | BY Hunter Design Nainggolan - Eddy Harijanto - Adhrie Sugiarto - Inge Permadhi - Thariqah Salamah
  • Effect of Ophiocephalus striatus extract supplementation on cross-sectional area of rectus femoris and biceps brachii, prealbumin levels, and nitrogen balance in critically ill patients with ventilator.
  • Nomor Panggil T19512fk


Hubungan Hipotermia Intraoperatif dengan Durasi Perawatan, Kejadian Infeksi Luka Operasi dan Komplikasi Kardiovaskular pada Pasien Geriatri yang Menjalani Anestesia Umum
2019 | BY Annemarie Chrysantia Melati - Susilo Chandra - Eddy Harijanto
  • Association between Intraoperative Hypothermia with Length of Stay, Surgical Site Infection, and Cardiovascular Complication in Geriatric Patients Undergoing General Anesthesia.
  • Nomor Panggil T19129fk


Perbandingan tekanan balon pipa endotrakeal terhadap perubahan posisi kepala dan tubuh : analisis terhadap rotasi kepala dan lateral dekubitus
2019 | BY Kustenti Prima - Ratna Farida Soenarto - Eddy Harijanto
  • Comparison of endotracheal cuff pressure based on head and neck position: analysis of head rotation and lateral decubitus.
  • Nomor Panggil T19100fk