Hasil Pencarian

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Korelasi Asupan Protein Terhadap Durasi Pemakaian Ventilator Mekanik Pada Pasien Obesitas Dengan Sakit Kritis
2024 | BY Fildza Sasri Peddyandhari - Krisadelfa Sutanto - Kartika Soka Rahmita
  • Association Between Protein Intake and Duration of Mechanical Ventilation in Critically Ill Obese Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T24289fk


Perbedaan Perubahan Kadar Creatinine Height Index Terhadap Keberhasilan Penyapihan Ventilator Pada Pasien dengan Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation
2024 | BY Aino Nindya Auerkari - Nurul Ratna Mutu Manikam - Marcia Kumala
  • Comparison of Creatinine Height Index Level Changes in Predicting Ventilator Weaning Outcomes of Patients with Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation.
  • Nomor Panggil T24238fk


Proporsi ventilator associated pneumonia dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi pasien COVID-19 di ICU RSUP Persahabatan
2023 | BY Adianto Dwi Prasetio Zailani - Fathiyah Isbaniah - RR. Diah Handayani - Navy Lolong Wulung
  • Proportion of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia and Factors Affecting COVID-19 Patients in The Intensive Care Unit of Persahabatan National Respiratory Referral Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T23577fk


Validasi Skor Spivack sebagai Prediktor Penggunaan Ventilator Berkepanjangan Pasien Pascabedah Pintas Koroner di RSUPN Dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo
2017 | BY Ikhwan Rinaldi - Arif Mansjoer - Putri Dwi Bralianti - Ceva Wicaksono Pitoyo
  • Validation of Spivack Score as Predictor of Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation (PMV) Following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital .
  • Nomor Panggil T17235fk


Efek suplementasi ekstrak Ophiocephalus striatus terhadap luas penampang otot rektus femoris, otot bisep brakii, kadar prealbumin, dan imbang nitrogen pasien sakit kritis dengan ventilator
2019 | BY Hunter Design Nainggolan - Eddy Harijanto - Adhrie Sugiarto - Inge Permadhi - Thariqah Salamah
  • Effect of Ophiocephalus striatus extract supplementation on cross-sectional area of rectus femoris and biceps brachii, prealbumin levels, and nitrogen balance in critically ill patients with ventilator.
  • Nomor Panggil T19512fk


Hubungan tebal otot dan inflamasi terhadap lama penggunaan ventilator pada pasien kritis : penelitian pada tebal diafragma luas penampang otot rektus femoris, otot bisep brakii dan kadar CRP
2019 | BY Bram Kilapong - Dita Aditianingsih - Rudyanto Sedono - Adhrie Sugiarto - Thariqah Salamah
  • Relationship among muscle thickness, inflammation and duration of mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients : study on diaphragm, rectus femoris and biceps brachii muscle and blood C-Reactive Protein.
  • Nomor Panggil T19159fk


Dampak Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) pada Pasien ICU dengan Ventilator Durasi Penggunaan Ventilator di ICU : Sebuah Kajian Sistematis dan Metaanalisis
2022 | BY R. Eka Santoso - Rudyanto Sedono - Amir S. Madjid
  • Impact of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on Duration of Mechanical Ventilation in ICU Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
  • Nomor Panggil T22202fk


Efektivitas Deresusitasi dengan Target Tekanan Vena Sentral 0–4 mmHg Pasca-Resusitasi Renjatan Sepsis: Kajian terhadap Densitas Perfusi Kapiler, Stadium AKI, Indeks Curah Jantung, Lama Penggunaan Ventilator, dan Lama Rawat ICU
2021 | BY Yohanes W.H. George - Amir S. Madjid - Aida Lydia - Ina susianti Timan
  • Effectiveness of Deresuscitation with Target Central Venous Pressure of0–4 mmHg post Septic Shock Resuscitation on Perfused Vascular Density, AKI Stage, Cardiac Index, Ventilator Duration, and ICU Length of Stay.
  • Nomor Panggil D21007fk


Faktor-faktor Prediktor Mortalitas Selama Perawatan Pasien dengan Ventilator mekanik di RSCM
2014 | BY Bona Adhista - Ceva Wicaksono Pitoyo - Cleopas Martin Rumende
  • Early Predictors of Mortality in Patient with Mechanical Ventilator in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T14059fk