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Association between Age, Urine pH, and Urinary Stone Incidence in Kardinah Tegal General Hospital
2021 | BY Stevano Lucianto Hotasi - Zulfikar Ali
  • Hubungan Umur, pH Urine, dan Kejadian Batu Kemih di RSUD Kardinah Tegal.
  • Nomor Panggil T21077fk


Combining Hounsfield Unit and Urinary pH to Predict Urinary Stone Composition
2020 | BY Frendy Wihono - Dhirajaya Dharma Kadar - Ramlan Nasution
  • Penggunaan Kombinasi Hounsfield Unit dan pH Urin Untuk Memprediksi Komposisi Batu Saluran Kemih.
  • Nomor Panggil T20134fk


Hubungan antara Indeks Massa Tubuh, Asam Urat Serum, Glukosa Serum, dan Tekanan Darah dengan Opasitas Batu Saluran Kemih
2019 | BY Ikhlas Arief Bramono - Ponco Birowo - Nur Rasyid
  • Association between Body Mass Index, Serum Uric Acid, Serum Glucose, and Blood Pressure with Urinary Tract Stone Opacity.
  • Nomor Panggil T19452fk


Pengaruh Indeks Massa Tubuh terhadap Batu Saluran Kemih
2008 | BY Tommy Yuwono Santoso - Bambang S Noegroho
  • Nomor Panggil T08041fk


Effect of Cystone ® on Urinary Tract Stone Clearance after Extracoroporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy : A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
2020 | BY Maruto Harjanggi - Ponco Birowo - Nur Rasyid
  • Efek Cystone terhadap Bersihan Batu Saluran Kemih Pasca Tindakan Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy: Sebuah Studi Prospektif, Acak, Tersamar Ganda, Dan Kontrol Plasebo.
  • Nomor Panggil T20130fk