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Faktor Risiko Terjadinya Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction pada Pasien Geriatri yang Menjalani Pembiusan Umum untuk Operasi Nonkardiak dan Nonneurologik di RSCM. Kajian terhadap: usia, lama pembedahan, operasi berulang dan jenis operasi
2019 | BY Anggun Permata Sari - Aries Perdana - Ratna Farida Soenarto - Nurmiati Amir
  • Risk factors of Post Operative Cognitive Dysfunction (POCD) in general anesthesia patients undergo noncardiac and non neurological procedures. Study for age, length of procedure, duration of anesthesia, secondary surgery and type of surgery.
  • Nomor Panggil T19399fk


Prediksi analgesia gap pascabedah di RSCM: pengaruh jenis operasi, lama epidural, jenis obat analgesik dan kepatuhan pemberian obat analgesik
2018 | BY Ikhsan Amran - Susilo Chandra - Alfan Mahdi Nugroho
  • Post-operative analgesia gap prediction in RSCM : Type Of Surgery, Duration Of Epidural, Type Of Analgetic Drugs And Drugs Administration Adherence.
  • Nomor Panggil T18485fk


Faktor Komorbiditas Prabedah dan Jenis Operasi Sebagai Prediktor AKI Pascabedah Elektif yang dirawat di ICU RSCM
2016 | BY Berri Primayana - Eddy Harijanto - Aldy Heriwardito
  • Preoperative Comorbidities and Type of Surgery as Predictors of Postoperative AKI in Patients Electively Admitted in ICU RSCM Immediately after Surgery.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 450 FK


Hubungan antara Jenis Anestesia, Jenis Operasi, dan Durasi Operasi terhadap Hipotermia Pascabedah pada Pasien Geriatri
2019 | BY Febrina Alivia Wantania - Aida Rosita Tantri
  • The Relationship between Types of Anesthesia, Types of Surgery, and Duration of Surgery with Post-surgery Hypothermia in Geriatric Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil S19059fk


Hubungan Antara Jenis Pembedahan Dan Kepatuhan Penggunaan Panduan Praktik Klinis Terhadap Kendali Mutu Dan Kendali Biaya Pelayanan Pembedahan Endometriosis Di RSUPN Dokter Cipto Mangunkusomo Dalam Era Bpjs Pada Tahun 2016
2019 | BY Yohanes Alda - R. Muharam Natadisastra - Alfa Putri Meutia
  • The correlation between mode of surgery, adherence to clinical pathway with quality and cost control of surgical endometriosis management in RSUPN CM in the era of universal.
  • Nomor Panggil T19414fk