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Hubungan antara Jumlah Monosit Absolut, Tumor Associated Macrophage dan Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes terhadap Event Free Survival 2 Tahun pada Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma yang mendapatkan terapi RCHOP
2023 | BY Faisal Syarifuddin - Anna Mira Lubis - Agnes Stephanie Harahap - Hamzah Shatri
  • Correlation between Absolute Monocyte Count, TumorAssociated Macrophage and Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes to Event Free Survival 2 years in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma receiving RCHOP therapy.
  • Nomor Panggil T23336fk


Hubungan Densitas Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte CD3+ dan CD8+ pada Invasive Margin dengan Stadium Tumor, Metastasis Kelenjar Getah Bening dan Status Tumor Budding sebagai Faktor Prognosis Adenokarsinoma Kolorektal
2023 | BY Ika Dhuhani - Diah Rini Handjari - Nur Rahadiani - Maria Franciska
  • Association between Density of CD3+ and CD8+ Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes at the Invasive Margin with Tumor Stage, Lymph Node Metastasis and Tumor Budding Status as a Prognosis Factor Colorectal Adenocarcinoma.
  • Nomor Panggil T23008fk


Hubungan Densitas CD8+ Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes Terhadap Respon Terapi Radiasi pada Pasien Karsinoma Sel Skuamosa Serviks Stadium IIIB
2022 | BY Timotius Benedict Djitro - Tantri Hellyanti - Hartono Tjahjadi
  • Association between Density of CD8+ TILs and Radiotherapy Response in Stage IIIB Uterine Cervix Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
  • Nomor Panggil T22493fk


Intensitas stromal tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (sTIL) dan ekspresi programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) sebagai prediktor respons patologis kanker payudara terhadap terapi neoadjuvan di RSCM
2022 | BY Devi Felicia - Puspita Eka Wuyung - Primariadewi Rustamadji
  • Stromal tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (sTIL) intensity and programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) expression as pathological predictors of breast cancer response to neoadjuvant therapy in RSCM.
  • Nomor Panggil T22252fk


Potensi Ekspresi Programmed Death Ligand-1 (PD-L1) pada Tumor Sel Germinal Ovarium Maligna (TSGOM) sebagai Faktor Prognostik
2019 | BY Fadhlina Muharmi Harahap - Hartono Tjahjadi - Kusmardi
  • The Potential of Programmed Death Ligand-1 (PD-L1) Expression in Malignant Ovarian Germ Cell Tumor as Prognostic Factor.
  • Nomor Panggil T19088fk