Hasil Pencarian

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Hubungan Derajat Anemia dengan Spesies, Densitas, dan Stadium Plasmodium pada Malaria
2021 | BY Faradila Zatsa Mutmainna
  • The Relationship of Degree of Anemia with Plasmodium Species, Density, and Stage in Malaria.
  • Nomor Panggil S21176fk


Pengaruh Peningkatan Kosentrasi CO2 Terhadap Produksi Reactive Oxygen Species Melalui Perubahan Dihydroethidium Pada Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Manusia
2019 | BY Luthfian Aby Nurachman - Septelia Inawari Wanandi
  • Effect of Increased CO2 Concentration on the Production of Reactive Oxygen Species through Changes in Dihydroethidium in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Human Cells.
  • Nomor Panggil S19086fk


Pengembangan PCR Multipleks untuk Identifikasi Cepat Spesies dan Toksigenisitas (Toksigenik, Non-toksigenik, NTTB) C.diphtheriae, C.ulcerans, dan C.pseudotuberculosis yang Berpotensi Menyebabkan Difteri.
2015 | BY Sunarno - Amin Soebandrio W. K. - Anis Karuniawati - Amarila Malik
  • Development of Multiplex PCR for Rapid Species and Toxigenicity (Toxigenic, Nontoxigenic, NTTB) Identification of C. diphtheriae, C. ulcerans, and C. pseudotuberculosis Potentially Causative Agent of Diphtheria.
  • Nomor Panggil D15034fk


Species distribution of fungal isolated from sputum of post-TB patients from Persahabatan Hospital and its susceptibility towards itraconazole
2020 | BY Vincent Susanto - Robiatul Adawiyah
  • Distribusi spesies jamur yang diisolasi dari sputum pasien bekas TB di Rumah Sakit Persahabatan tahun 2019-2020 dan kepekaannya terhadap itrakonazol.
  • Nomor Panggil S20208fk


Distribusi spesies jamur dan profil gejala klinis yang terdapat pada pasien tuberkulosis paru dengan BTA negatif dan kaitannya dengan risiko aspergillosis paru kronik
2020 | BY Michael Adrian - Findra Setianingrum
  • Distribution of fungal species and clinical symptoms in pulmonary tuberculosis patients with Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB) and its association with the risk of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis.
  • Nomor Panggil S20186fk


Species distribution of fungal isolated from lung cancer patients and its susceptibility to Itraconazole in Persahabatan Hospital in 2019-2020
2020 | BY Marshal Achmad Wachdin - Robiatul Adawiyah
  • Distribusi spesies jamur yang diisolasi dari penderita kanker paru dan kerentanannya terhadap Itrakonazol di RS Persahabatan pada tahun 20192020.
  • Nomor Panggil S20029fk


Identifikasi spesies parasit malaria menggunakan DNA barcode COI (Cytochrome c Oxidase Subunit I) dan molekul DARC (Duffy Antigen Receptor for Chemokines) serta DBP (Duffy Binding Protein) yang berperan dalam zoonosis malaria.
2017 | BY SYAFRUDDIN - WURYANTARI - Herawati Sudoyo - Rintis Noviyanti
  • Identification of malaria parasite species through DNA barcode COI (Cytochrome c Oxidase Subunit I) and molecules of DARC (Duffy Antigen Receptor for Chemokines) and DBP (Duffy Binding Protein) playing role in zoonotic malaria.
  • Nomor Panggil D17016fk


Profile of Airborne Fungal Species in The Outdoor Environment of Several Hospitals in Jakarta
2017 | BY Bondan Winarno - Anna Rozaliyani
  • Profile of airborne fungal species in the outdoor environment of several hospitals in Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil S17003fk


Profile of Airborne Fungal Species in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Two Hospitals in Jakarta
2016 | BY Ditha Adhiaty Ratna Pratiwi
  • Profil Spesies Jamur Udara pada Ruang Perawatan Intensif Neonatus pada Dua Rumah Sakit di Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil S16225fk


Profile of Airborne Fungal Species in Intensive Care Unit at Several Hospitals in Jakarta
2016 | BY Raisha Basir - Anna Rozaliyani
  • Profil Spesies Jamur Udara pada Ruang Perawatan Intensif di Beberapa Rumah Sakit di Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil S16013FK