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The Effectiveness of Health Education and Its Association with Hygiene Behaviour Knowledge Against Soil-Transmitted Helminthes Among Plantation Workers in Pacet Village, Cianjur.
2012 | BY Ratna Putri Galisia - Saleha Sungkar- Efektivitas Penyuluhan Kesehatan dan Hubungan Pengetahuan Perilaku Membersihkan Diri dari Cacing yang Ditularkan Melalui Tanah di Antara Pekerja Kebun di Desa Pacet, Cianjur.
- Nomor Panggil S12123fk
Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Mengenai Gejala dan Pencegahan Trikuriasis dengan Karakteristik Demografi Guru SD di Jakarta Tahun 2011.
2012 | BY Christy Abigail Wulandari - Saleha Sungkar- Relationship between the Level of Knowledge about Trichuriasis Symptoms and Preventions and Demographical Characteristic of Elemantry School Teacher in Jakarta on 2011.
- Nomor Panggil S12115fk
The effectiveness of health education among plantation workers on the knowledge level of prevention towards soil-transmitted helminths infection in Pacet, Cianjur
2013 | BY Chairunnisya Natasha Putri - Saleha Sungkar- Efektivitas penyuluhan terhadap pekerja kebun mengenai pencegahan infeksi soil-transmitted helminths di Pacet, Cianjur.
- Nomor Panggil S13093fk