Hasil Pencarian

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Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease pada Pasien Gagal Ginjal yang Menjalani Hemodialisis Rutin
2024 | BY Pringgodigdo Nugroho - Andri Sanityoso - Yomi Islamiyati
  • Factors Associated with Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease in Renal Failure Patients Undergoing Routine Hemodialysis.
  • Nomor Panggil T24212fk


Korelasi Letak Ujung Kateter dengan Risiko Disfungsi pada Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik Stadium 5 yang Mengalami Disfungsi CDL Jangka Panjang Vena Jugular Interna Kanan
2023 | BY Nanang Wahyu - Patrianef - Wawan Mulyawan
  • Correlation of Catheter Tip Location with Risk of Dysfunction in Stage 5 Chronic Renal Failure Patients with Long-term CDL Dysfunction of the Right Internal Jugular Vein.
  • Nomor Panggil T23469fk


Pengaruh Latihan Isometrik Terhadap Perubahan Diameter Vaskular, Peak Systolic Velocity, Intima Media Thickness dan Volume flow Arteri Radialis dan Vena Cephalica Pada Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronis Sebelum Tindakan Pembuatan Fistula Radiocephalica
2023 | BY Alexander Jayadi Utama - Hendra Wibowo - Indah Suci Widyahening
  • Effect of Isometric Exercise on Changes in Vascular Diameter, Peak Systolic Velocity, Intima Media Thickness and Volume flow of Radial Artery and Cephalic Vein in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure Before Radiocephalic AV Fistula Creation.
  • Nomor Panggil T23118fk


Evaluating Acute Renal Failure in Electric Burns Patients Treated Using Titration Resuscitation Procedure
2014 | BY Aditya Herwandar Sastrasupena - Aditya Wardhana
  • Nomor Panggil T14382fk


The Association Between Parkland Formula Resuscitation And Pulmonary - Renal Failure In Adult Major Burn
2014 | BY Fakhrul Hendra - Aditya Wardhana
  • Nomor Panggil T14377fk


Hubungan Peningkatan Kadar Eritropoietin dan Jumlah Endothelial Progenitor Cell dengan Perbaikan Fungsi Endotel pada Penderita Gagal Ginjal 3 bulan Setelah Transplantasi Ginjal
2014 | BY Linda Armelia - Endang Susalit - Hamzah Shatri - Maruhum Bonar H. Marbun
  • The association between elevated levels of erythropoietin and the number of Endothelial Progenitor Cell with improvement of endothelial function in renal failure patients 3 mounths after kidney transplantation
  • Nomor Panggil T14258fk


Gambaran psikopatologi pada pasien gagal ginjal kronik stadium akhir yang menjalani hemodialisis di RSUPN Dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo
2015 | BY A.A.A.A. Kusumawardhani - Nina Halimah Sakdiah - Maruhum Bonar H. Marbun - Sylvia Detri Elvira
  • Psychopathology Features of Patients with End Stage Chronic Renal Failure Undergoing Hemodialysis in RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 060 FK


Hubungan Hiperhidrasi dengan Disfungsi Endotel pada Pasien Penyakit Gagal Ginjal Kronik yang Menjalani Hemodialisis Dua Kali Seminggu
2021 | BY Adi Wijaya - Ikhwan Rinaldi - Ginova Nainggolan - Pringgodigdo - Maruhum Bonar H Marbun
  • The Relationship between Hyperhydration and Endothelial Dysfunction in Chronic Renal Failure Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis Twice A Week.
  • Nomor Panggil T21177fk


Hubungan Tekanan Darah dengan Maturasi Arteriovenous Fistula (AVF) Dalam Delapan Minggu Pada Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronis Stadium Akhir dengan Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2
2020 | BY Umayah Asnandri - Akhmadu - Hilman Ibrahim
  • The Effect of Blood Pressure on Arteriovenous Fistula Maturation (AVF) within Eight Weeks in End Stage Chronic Renal Failure Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Melitus.
  • Nomor Panggil T20375fk


Hubungan Peningkatan Kadar Eritropoetin Dengan Perbaikan Fungsi Jantung Pada Pasien Gagal Ginjal Yang Menjalani Transplantasi
2013 | BY Harnavi Harun - Endang Susalit - Hamzah Shatri - Maruhum Bonar H.M,
  • The association between elevated levels of erythropoietin and Improvement of cardiac function on renal failure who underwent kidney transplantation.
  • Nomor Panggil T13363fk