Hasil Pencarian

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Perbandingan Hasil Deteksi Antibodi Spesifik Aspergillus Metode Immunochromatography Test (ICT) dengan Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) pada Pasien TB Paru
2021 | BY Nabilah Nurul Islami
  • Comparation between Aspergillus-specific antibody detection using Immunochromatography Test (ICT) and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) method in Pulmonary TB Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil S21064fk


Hubungan konsentrasi rifampisin darah dengan respons pengobatan berdasarkan hasil biakan kuman mycobacterium tuberculosis pada pasien TB paru yang diobati dengan kombinasi dosis tetap (KDT).
2012 | BY Erlina Burhan - Hadiarto Mangunnegoro - Purwantyastuti Ascobat - Reinout Van Crevel
  • Association between plasma rifampisin concentration and treatment response in pulmonary TB patients treated with fixed-dosed combination regimen (FDC) based on culture of myobacterium tuberculosis.
  • Nomor Panggil D12013fk


Hubungan konsentrasi rifamfisin darah dengan respon pengobatan berdasarkan hasil biakan kuman mycobacterium tuberculosis pada pasien TB paru yang diobati dengan kombinasi dosis tetap (KDT).
2012 | BY Erlina Burhan
  • Association between plasma rifampicin concentration and treatment response in pulmonary TB patients treated with fixed-doses combination regimen (FDC) based on culture of mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  • Nomor Panggil D12007fk


Perbandingan Hasil Pemeriksaan Immuno-Chromatography Test (ICT) LD Bio Aspergillus dan IgG Spesifik Aspergillus pada Pasien Bekas TB di RSUP Persahabatan
2020 | BY Reihana Zahra - Anna Rozaliyani
  • Comparison of LDBio Aspergillus Immuno-Chromatography Test (ICT) with Aspergillus-specific IgG in Previous Pulmonary TB Patients at Persahabatan Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil S20081fk


Perbandingan Gambaran Radiografi Toraks dengan Hasil Tes Cepat GenXpert MTB/RIF pada Pasien Tersangka TB paru BTA Negatif
2017 | BY Telly Kamelia - Rachmania Diandini - Dalima A. W. Astrawinata - Vally Wulani
  • Comparison Study of Chest Radiograph and Rapid GenXpert MTB/RIF Test Among Pulmonary TB Suspected Patients with Negative Sputum Smear.
  • Nomor Panggil T17216fk


Uji Jalan 6 Menit pada Pasien Pasca TB Paru dan Hubungannya dengan Gejala Klinis TB serta Gambaran Foto X-Ray Toraks di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan Nusa Tenggara Timur
2015 | BY Junaida Afifa - Trevino A Pakasi
  • Six Minutes Walking Test of Post Pulmonary TB Patients and It’s Associated with Clinical Symptoms of TB and Chest X-Ray Findings in South Central Timor District East Nusa Tenggara.
  • Nomor Panggil S 15 023 FK


Hubungan antara riwayat pengobatan TB paru sebelumnya dengan pola resistensi OAT pada pasien TB oaru resisten OAT di rumah sakit umum pusat Persahabatan
2014 | BY Erlina Burhan - Victor Paulus Manuhutu - Priyanti Z. Soepandi
  • The relationship between previous history of pulmonary TB treatment and resistance patterns in anti TB drug resistant patients at Persahabatan hospital
  • Nomor Panggil T14532fk


Terapi Nutrisi Pada Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru Dengan Malnutrisi
2014 | BY Diah Prasmapti Yunianingtias - Johana Titus - Sri Sukmaniah
  • Nutritional Therapy in Pulmonary TB Patient with Malnutrition.
  • Nomor Panggil T14315fk


Perbandingan Cross Priming Amplification (CPA) dan PCR Konvensional Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Klinik FKUI untuk Deteksi M. Tubervulosis pada Sputum Pasien Tersangka TB Paru Tanpa dan dengan HIV/AIDS
2014 | BY Erlina Burhan - MUNAWAROH PASARIBU - Andriansjah - Anis Karuniawati
  • Comparison of Cross Priming Amplification (CPA) and Conventional PCR of Clinical Microbiology FKUI in Detection of M.Tuberculosis in Sputum of Suspected Pulmonary TB Patient (Non HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS)
  • Nomor Panggil T14257fk


Hubungan Kadar Rifampisin Dan Isoniazid Darah Dengan Konversi Sputum Pasien TB Paru Di Akhir Fase Intensif
2021 | BY Melva Louisa - PURWANTYASTUTI - Dedi Suyanto - Prayudi Santoso
  • Association Between Blood Rifampicin And Isoniazid Concentration With Sputum Conversion Among Pulmonary TB Patients At The End Of Intensive Phase.
  • Nomor Panggil T21449fk