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Perbandingan Kecepatan Pertumbuhan Arteri Pulmonal antara Pemasangan stent Alur Keluar Ventrikel Kanan dan modifiedBlalock-Thomas Taussig Shunt pada Penyakit Jantung Bawaan dengan Fisiologi Tetralogy of Fallot
2024 | BY Dicky Fakhri - Radityo Prakoso - Indah Pratiwi Siregar - Rina Ariani
  • Comparison of Pulmonary Artery Growth Rate between Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Stenting and modified-Blalock-Thomas Taussig Shunt in Tetralogy of Fallot Physiology.
  • Nomor Panggil T24390fk


Hubungan Blood Flow Rate Arteri Brakialis Proksimal dan Distal Anastomosis Dengan Ketepatan Pengukuran Blood Flow Rate Vena Outflow Pasca Fistula Arteriovenosa Brakiosefalika Pada Penyakit Ginjal Tahap Akhir
2024 | BY Febian Aji Wicaksono - Dedy Pratama - Dewi S Soemarko
  • Correlation of Proximal and Distal Brachial Artery Anastomosis with the Accuracy of Blood Flow Measurement in the Outflow Vein after Brachiocephalic Arteriovenous Fistula in End-Stage Kidney Disease.
  • Nomor Panggil T24230fk


Hubungan Sudut Aortoseptal secara Ekokardiografi dengan Sumber Aritmia Jalur Keluar Ventrikel
2019 | BY Sunu Budhi Raharjo - Andre Tritansa Faizal - BRM. Ario Soeryo Kuncoro
  • Association Between Aortoseptal Angulation Measurement by Echocardigraphy with Origin of Outflow Tract Ventricular Arrhythmia.
  • Nomor Panggil T19601fk


Luaran Klinis Jangka Pendek Tindakan Implantasi Stent pada Alur Keluar Ventrikel Kanan Dibandingkan dengan Operasi Modified Blalock-Thomas-Taussig Shunt pada Pasien Anak dengan Obstruksi Alur Keluar Ventrikel Kanan dengan Shunt Ventrikel
2022 | BY Resi Citra Dewi - Amir Azis Alkatiri - Salomo Purba - Celly Anantaria Atmadikoesoemah - Radityo Prakoso
  • Initial Clinical Outcome Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Stenting Compared to Modified Blalock-Thomas-Taussig Shunt in Children with Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction with Ventricular Shunt.
  • Nomor Panggil T22466fk


Korelasi Time-to-Notch Alur Keluar Ventrikel Kanan dengan Pulmonary Artery Compliance pada Pasien Defek Septum Atrium Sekundum dengan Hipertensi Arterial Paru
2022 | BY Maruli Tua Sianipar - Hananto Adriantoro - Dafsah A. Juzar - Oktavia Lilyasari
  • Correlation between Time-to-Notch Right Ventricular Outflow Tract with Pulmonary Artery Compliance in Secundum Atrial Septal Defect Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.
  • Nomor Panggil T22351fk


Perbandingan Hasil Akses Inflow Arteri Dan Outflow Vena Dengan Single Ballon Angioplasty Pada Pasien Disfungsi Fistula Arteriovenosa Radiosefalika
2022 | BY Aria Kekalih - Billy Stephanus Karundeng - Fakhrizal - Akhmadu Muradi
  • Comparison of the success rate of access to arterial inflow and venous outflow with single balloon angioplasty in patients with radiocephalic arteriovenous fistula dysfunction.
  • Nomor Panggil T22190fk


Perbandingan Efektivitas Akses Inflow Arteri Dengan Akses Outflow Vena Pada Endovascular Fistula Salvage Untuk Disfungsi Fistula Arteriovenosa
2021 | BY Andrio Wishnu Prabowo - Aria Kekalih - Akhmadu
  • Effectivity Comparison between Artery Inflow Access and Vein Outflow Access on Endovascular Fistula Salvage for Arteriovenous Fistula Dysfunction.
  • Nomor Panggil T21396fk


Hubungan Lokasi Sumber Aritmia Jalur Keluar Ventrikular dengan Fungsi Sistolik Intrinsik Ventrikel Kiri Pada Pasien Tanpa Penyakit Jantung Struktural
2021 | BY Rina Ariani - Dicky Armein Hanafy - Tommy Alexander - Daniel Tobing
  • Association between Origin of Ventricular Outflow Tract Arrhythmia and Intrinsic Left Ventricular Systolic Function in Patient without Structural Heart Disease.
  • Nomor Panggil T21284fk


Uji Validitas Hubungan Sudut Aortoseptal melalui Pengukuran Ekokardiografi terhadap Sumber Aritmia Jalur Keluar Ventrikel
2021 | BY Charles Saputra - BRM Ario Soeryo Kuncoro - Sunu Budhi Raharjo
  • Validation Study: Association between Aortoseptal Angulation on Echocardiography with the Origin of Outflow Tract Ventricular Arrhythmias .
  • Nomor Panggil T21279fk


Analisis kesintasan jangka panjang bedah rekonstruksi right ventricle outflow tract (RVOT) menggunakan bovine jugular vein (BJV) conduit
2020 | BY Rizal Irawan - Pribadi Wiranda Busro
  • Long-term Survival analysis reconstruction right ventricle outflow tract (RVOT) surgery with bovine jugular vein (BJV) conduit.
  • Nomor Panggil T20273fk