Hasil Pencarian

✨ 7 results found - Searched 21146 records in 3ms.


Advanced nutrition : macronutrients, micronutrients, and metabolism 3rd Edition / Carolyn D. Berdanier, Lynne Berdanier.
2021 | BY Lynne Berdanier - Berdanier, Carolyn D
  • Nomor Panggil QU 145 B486 2021


Aspek Mikronutrien Retinol Dikaitkan dengan Imunitas Lokal Ekspresi Sitokin Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alfa yang Distimulasi Spesifik dengan Epitop E6 Human Papillomavirus Tipe 16 dan Rasio Sel T CD4+/CD8+ pada Perjalanan Alami Kanker Serviks.
2016 | BY ANDRIJONO - Tofan Widya Utami - M. Farid Aziz - Fera Ibrahim
  • Retinol as a Micronutrients Related to Cervical Local Immunity, The Expression of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Specifically Stimulated with E6 Epitope of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 and Ratio of CD4+/CD8+ T Cell in Natural History of Cervical Cancer.
  • Nomor Panggil D16015fk


Effect of optimized food-based recommendation and biscuits fortified with essential fatty acids and micronutrients on cognitive performance of Myanmar school children.
2018 | BY Le Thandar Soe - Rina Agustina - Agus Firmansyah - Umi Fahmida - Ali Nina Liche Seniati
  • Pengaruh optimized food-based recommendation dan biscuit dengan fortifikasi asam lemak esensial dan mikronutrien terhadap performa kognitif siswa sekolah dasar Myanmar.
  • Nomor Panggil D18008fk


A system Review on The Micronutrients Powder Communication Program in Praya Tengah, Lombok Tengah District
2010 | BY Andi Erwin - Lupi Purnomosari - Lindawati Wibowo
  • Nomor Panggil T10238fk


Effect of Zinc or Zinc Combined With Other Micronutrients Suplementation on Serum Zinc, Breast-Milk Zinc and Hemoglobin Concentrations of Vietnamese Lactating Women
2002 | BY Umi Fahmida - Phung Van Hung - Johanna S.P. Rumawas - Le Thi Hop
  • Nomor Panggil TQV298JV6H936e2002


Korelasi Asupan Makronutrien dan Mikronutrien dengan Komposisi Tubuh Pasien Talasemia Mayor Remaja
2022 | BY Titis Prawitasari - Agus Fitrianto - Pustika Amalia Wahidiyat - Damayanti Sekarsa
  • Correlation of Macronutrient and Micronutrient Intake with Body Composition in Adolescent Thalassemia Major Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T22188fk


Hubungan antara Konsumsi Produk Susu dengan Adekuasi Asupan Nutrien pada Usia Lanjut
2021 | BY Esthika Dewiasty - Siti Setiati - Murdani Abdullah - Arya Govinda R
  • Association between Dairy Products Consumption and Adequacy of Nutrients Intakes in Older Adults.
  • Nomor Panggil T21268fk