Hasil Pencarian

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Uji Fitokimia dan Uji Sitotoksisitas In Vitro Ekstrak n- Heksana Temu Kunci (Kaempferia Pandurata) dan Nanopartikelnya Terhadap Sel Kanker Payudara MCF-7
2019 | BY Brenda Cristie Edina - Fadilah
  • Phytochemical Analysis and In Vitro Cytotoxicity of n-Hexane Extract of Kaempferia pandurata and its Nanoparticle to Breast Cancer MCF-7 Cells.
  • Nomor Panggil S19060fk


Inhibitory Effects of Seaweed Gracilaria verrucosa Against Breast Cancer MCF-7 Cells
2018 | BY Cut Raisya Zahira - Ade Arsianti
  • Efek penghambatan pertumbuhan dari Rumput Laut Gracilaria verrucosa Terhadap Sel Kanker Payudara MCF-7.
  • Nomor Panggil S18172fk


Identifikasi Senyawa Kimia dan Aktivitas Hambatan Ekstrak Etanol, Etil Asetat, n-Heksana Holothuria scabra terhadap Sel Kanker Payudara MCF-7
2021 | BY Putri Cahaya Intan
  • Identification of Chemical Compounds and Inhibition Activities of Ethanol, Ethyl Acetate, n-Hexane Extracts of Holothuria scabra Against Breast Cancer Cells MCF-7.
  • Nomor Panggil S21056fk


Analisis Fitokimia dan Uji In Vitro Jamur Putih (Tremella fuciformis) sebagai Antioksidan dan Inhibitor Pertumbuhan Sel Kanker Payudara MCF-7
2021 | BY Ahmad Fadhil Ilham
  • Phytochemical Analysis and In Vitro Study on Tremella fuciformis as Antioxidant and Growth Inhibitor of Breast MCF-7 Cancer Cells.
  • Nomor Panggil S21027fk


Antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of green seaweed Ulva lactuca towards MCF-7 breast cancer cells
2020 | BY Vinsensia Maharani Kanya Dhira Pradipta - Ade Arsianti
  • Rumput laut hijau Ulva lactuca sebagai antioksidan dan inhibitor pertumbuhan sel kanker payudara MCF-7.
  • Nomor Panggil S20128fk


Phytochemistry, Antioxidant Activity and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Black-White Fungus Auricularia sp. against Breast MCF-7 Cancer Cells
2020 | BY Arfi Rabbani - Ade Arsianti
  • Fitokimia, Aktifitas Antioksidan dan Evaluasi Sitotoksik dari Jamur Hitam-Putih Auricularia sp. terhadap Sel Kanker Payudara MCF-7.
  • Nomor Panggil S20126fk


Analisis Fitokimia dan Antikanker Payudara MCF-7 Marine Makroalga Eucheuma sp.
2018 | BY Elvira Lesmana - Ade Arsianti
  • Phytochemistry Test and Cytotoxic Activity of Macroalgae Euchema sp. as a Growth Inhibitor of Breast MCF-7.
  • Nomor Panggil S18025fk


Aktivitas antikanker senyawa Alkil ester galat dan Eter galat sebagai inhibitor pertumbuhan sel kanker payudara MCF-7
2016 | BY Bagus Radityo Amien - Ade Arsianti
  • Anticancer activity of alkyl ester and eter of gallic acid as growth inhibitor for MCF-7 breast cancer cell.
  • Nomor Panggil S 16 089 FK