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Hubungan antara Short Chain Fatty Acid dengan Gambaran Ultrasonografi Arteri Karotis Interna pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2
2022 | BY Amrul Mukminin - Aria Kekalih - Pramita Gayatri - Akhmadu Muradi - Dedy Pratama
  • The correlation between short-chain fatty acid and ultrasonography of the internal carotid artery in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
  • Nomor Panggil T22204fk


Pengaruh Perluasan Pneumatisasi Sinus Sfenoid ke Prosesus Klinoid Anterior terhadap Risiko Dehiscence dan Protrusio Arteri Karotis Interna dan Saraf Optik berdasarkan Tomografi Komputer
2013 | BY Chitra Jenni - Joedo Prihartono - Retno S Wardani - Vally Wulani
  • The Influence of Extensive Pneumatization of Sphenoid Sinus to the Anterior Clinoid Process against Risk of Dehiscence and Protrusion of Internal Carotid Artery and Optic Nerve based on Computed Tomography.
  • Nomor Panggil T13428fk