Hasil Pencarian

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Status Hipotensi Pasien yang Menjalani Bedah Sesar dengan Anestesi Spinal dan Hubungannya dengan Berat Badan Lahir Bayi di RSUPN Ciptomangunkusumo
2015 | BY Alfan Mahdi Nugroho - Jenni Pratita
  • Hypotension Status of Patients undergoing Caesar Surgery with Spinal Anesthesia and the Correlation with Babies’ Birth Weight in RSUPN Ciptomangunkusumo.
  • Nomor Panggil S15190FK


Perfusion Index sebagai Prediktor Kejadian Hipotensi Pascaanestesi Spinal pada Bedah Sesar
2023 | BY Alfan Mahdi Nugroho - Fildza Sasri Peddyandhari - Yafet Yanri Sirupang - Filelza Sasri Peddyandhari - Alfan Mahdi Nngroho
  • Perfusion Index as a Predictor of Hypotension Post Spinal Anesthesia in Cesarean Section.
  • Nomor Panggil T23122fk


Gambaran gangguan otonom termoregulasi dan kardiovaskular penyakit Parkinson berdasarkan sympathetic skin response, RR-interval, dan hipotensi ortostatik
2023 | BY Sophie Yolanda - Ahmad Yanuar Safri - Dyah Tunjungsari
  • Description of autonomic thermoregulation and cardiovascular disorders in Parkinson's disease based on sympathetic skin response, RR-interval, and orthostatic hypotension.
  • Nomor Panggil T23460fk


Perbandingan Pemberian Norepinefrin Dini Dengan Terapi Standar Pada Tatalaksana Bedah Abdomen Mayor:Kajian Terhadap Durasi Hipotensi, Laktat, Mixed Vein dan Profil Hemodinamik
2022 | BY Eka Yudha Lantang - Eddy Harijanto - Yohanes George
  • The Comparison of Early Administration of Norepinephrine with Standard Therapy in Major Abdominal Surgery: Hypotension Time, Lactate Levels, Mixed Vein and Hemodynamic Profile Study (Index Contractility, Thoracic Fluid content, Stroke Volume Variation).
  • Nomor Panggil T22594fk


Proporsi Hipotensi Ortostatik dan Hubungannya dengan Kadar HbA1c pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Usia Lanjut
2016 | BY Catarina Budyono - Siti Setiati - Dyah Purnamasari - Cleopas Martin Rumende
  • Proportion of Orthostatic Hypotension and Its Relationship with HbA1c Level in the Diabetic Elderly Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 161 FK


Pengaruh Hipotensi Intrabedah Terhadap Kejadian Delirium Pascabedah pada Pasien Geriatri : Kajian Terhadap Nilai Tekanan Darah, Durasi dan Pemberian Topangan Kardiovaskular
2022 | BY Aida Rosita Tantri - Dita Aditianingsih - Bintang Pramodana - Susilo Chandra - Muhammad Hanif Rahim
  • Effect of Intraoperative Hypotension on the Incidence of Postoperative Delirium in Geriatric Patients: A Study of Blood Pressure Values, Duration and Provision of Cardiovascular Support.
  • Nomor Panggil T22141fk


Efek Penyekat Enzim Konversi Angiotensin Dosis Kecil terhadap Six Minute Walk Test dan kadar NT-proBNP pada Pasien Stenosis Mitral tanpa Hipotensi
2015 | BY Bambang Budi Siswanto - Renan Sukmawan - Vidya Gilang Rejeki
  • Effect of Low Dose ACE Inhibitor towards Six Minute Walk Test and NT-proBNP in Mitral Stenosis Patients without Hypotension.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 486 FK


Posisi Reverse Trendelenburg 10 Derajat Dibandingkan dengan Posisi Netral untuk Mencegah Hipotensi pada Pasien yang Menjalani Bedah Sesar dengan Anestesia Spinal
2019 | BY Dewata Aprilia Marilyn - PRYAMBODHO - Rahendra
  • Reverse Trendelenburg 10 Degree Position Compared with Neutral Position to Prevent Hypotension for Patients Undergo Caesarean Section with Spinal Anesthesia.
  • Nomor Panggil T19098fk


Faktor Prognostik Kejadian Hipotensi pada Ibu Hamil yang Menjalani Operasi Sesar Dengan Anestesia Spinal
2016 | BY Alfan Mahdi Nugroho - Andri Kurnia - Indro Mulyono
  • The Prognostic Factor of Hypotension in Pregnant Patient Undergoing Cesarean Section with Spinal Anesthesia.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 448 FK


Angka kejadian hipotensi pada bedah caesar dengan anestesia spinal: perbandingan bupivakain 0,5% hiperbarik 5 mg ditambah fentanil 25 mcg dengan bupivakain 0,5% hiperbarik 6 mg ditambah fentanil 25 mcg
2012 | BY Listyo Lindawati Julia - Susilo Chandra - PRYAMBODHO
  • Hypotension in caesarean section due to spinal anesthesia: Comparison between hyperbaric bupivacaine 0.5% 5 mg plus fentanyl 25 mcg with 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine 6 mg plus fentanyl 25 mcg.
  • Nomor Panggil T12307fk