Hasil Pencarian

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Insiden Relaps pada Anak dengan Hipertiroid Graves dan Hubungannya Terhadap Kadar Awal Tiroksin Bebas
2014 | BY Dave Anderson. - Bambang Tridjadja - Hanifah Oswari
  • Incidence of Hyperthyroid Graves Relapse in Children and its Correlation with Initial Thyroxine level.
  • Nomor Panggil T14082fk


Perbandingan Derajat Keparahan Melasma pada Pasien Hipertiroid Sebelum dan Sesudah Pengobatan Hipertiroid
2020 | BY Benny Nelson - Irma Bernadette - Melani Marissa - Wismandari Wisnu - Wresti Indriatmi
  • Comparative Study of mMASI Before and After Hyperthyroid Therapy in Hyperthyroid Subjects with Melasma.
  • Nomor Panggil T20286fk