Hasil Pencarian

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Efek ekstrak daun mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.) terhadap integritas DNA sperma yang dideteksi dengan metode halosperm
2013 | BY Yeyet Pujiati - ELDAFIRA - Indra G. Mansur
  • The effect of Noni leave extract (Morinda citrifolia L.) to the integrity of sperm DNA detected by halosperm method.
  • Nomor Panggil T13319fk


Indeks Fragmentasi DNA Sperma Sebagai Faktor Peramal Infertilitas Pria
2016 | BY Pramety Utami - Budi Wiweko
  • Sperm DNA Fragmentation Index as a Predictive Factor of Male Infertility.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 284 FK