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Hubungan Proporsi Asam Lemak Rantai Pendek Feses dengan Kejadian Ensefalopati Hepatik pada Pasien Sirosis Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta
2024 | BY Juferdy Kurniawan - Cleopas Martin Rumende - Hasan Maulahela - Mochamad Anief Ferdianto
  • Relation between Proportion of Fecal Short Chain Fatty Acids and Occurance of Hepatic Encephalopathy in Outpatient Cirrhosis Patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil T24338fk


Profil Human Milk Oligosaccharides dan Polimorfisme FUT2 pada Ibu di Indonesia: Kajian pada Hubungan Genotipe- Fenotipe Sekretor Ibu dan Profil Asam Lemak Rantai Pendek Berdasarkan Pasangan Genotipe Ibu-Bayi.
2023 | BY Klara Yuliarti - Damayanti Rusli Sjarif - Muchtaruddin Mansyur
  • Profile of Human Milk Oligosaccharide and FUT2 Polymorphism in Indonesian Mothers: Review on Secretor Genotype-Phenotype Association and Profile of Short Chain Fatty Acids Based on the Genotype of Mother-Infant Dyad.
  • Nomor Panggil D23020fk


Pengaruh Suplementasi Nutrisi Tinggi Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Terhadap Respons Tumor pada Kanker Serviks Stadium Lanjut yang Mendapat Radioterapi; Kajian terhadap respons klinis, histopatologis, kadar PGE2 dan VEGF serum.
2015 | BY ANDRIJONO - Sri Wuryanti - R. Susworo - Fiastuti Witjaksono
  • Effect of Nutritional Supplements Enriched Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Tumor Response in Advanced Cervical Cancer Who Received Radiotherapy; The study of Clinical response, histopathological response,the levels of PGE2 and VEGF serum.
  • Nomor Panggil D15003fk


Effect of optimized food-based recommendation and biscuits fortified with essential fatty acids and micronutrients on cognitive performance of Myanmar school children.
2018 | BY Le Thandar Soe - Rina Agustina - Agus Firmansyah - Umi Fahmida - Ali Nina Liche Seniati
  • Pengaruh optimized food-based recommendation dan biscuit dengan fortifikasi asam lemak esensial dan mikronutrien terhadap performa kognitif siswa sekolah dasar Myanmar.
  • Nomor Panggil D18008fk


Hubungan asupan medium chain dan long chain saturated fatty acid terhadap kadar malondialdehida pada wanita suku Minangkabau dan Sunda
2017 | BY Inge Permadhani - Ninik Mudjihartini - Sanny Ngatidjan
  • Relationship of Medium Chain and Long Chain Saturated Fatty Acids Intake with Malondialdehyde Levels in Minangkabau and Sundanese Women.
  • Nomor Panggil T17144fk


Hubungan antara Healthy Eating Index dan Asupan Asam Lemak Jenuh dengan Jumlah Bifidobacterium Usus pada Wanita Keturunan Minangkabau dan Sunda
2017 | BY Rina Agustina - Shiela Stefani - Murdani Abdullah
  • Association of Healthy Eating Index and Saturated Fatty Acids Intake with Intestinal Bifidobacterium Count in Minangkabau and Sundanese Women.
  • Nomor Panggil T17140fk


Perbedaan kadar asam lemak tidak jenuh rantai panjang pada serum darah ibu hamil yang mengalami kelahiran preterm dan aterm
2019 | BY Rima Irwinda - Adhitia Nugrahanto - Yudianto Budi Saroyo
  • Differences in levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids in maternal blood serum of pregnant women with preterm and term births.
  • Nomor Panggil T19532fk


Proporsi Resistensi Insulin pada Pasien HIV Dewasa dalam Terapi Antiretroviral Lini Kedua dan Hubungannya dengan Durasi Terapi, Lipodistrofi, dan Kadar Asam Lemak Bebas
2019 | BY NENFIATI - Dante Saksono - Evy Yunihastuti - Siti Setiati
  • Proportion of Insulin Resistance in Adult HIV Patients on Second Line Antiretroviral Therapy and Its Correlation with Therapy Duration, Lipodystrophy, and Free Fatty Acids’ Level.
  • Nomor Panggil T19176fk


Hubungan antara Rasio Asupan Omega-6 terhadap Omega-3 dan HOMA-IR pada Perempuan Usia Reproduktif
2022 | BY Putri Nuraini - Wiji Lestari - Fiastuti Isbandi Witjaksono
  • Association between the Rasio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 Fatty Acids Intake and HOMA-IR in Reproductive-aged Women.
  • Nomor Panggil T22567FK


Pengaruh Konseling Diet Optimasi Asam Lemak Omega-3 menggunakan Linear Programming terhadap Kadar Omega-3 Plasma, Kajian khusus pada anak berisiko overweight, overweight, dan obes usia 12-24 bulan di Jakarta Timur
2016 | BY Inge Permadhani - Yoga Devaera - Beatrice Anggono
  • Influence of Optimized Omega-3 Fatty Acids Enhanced Counseling developed by Linear Programming on Plasma Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 226 FK