Hasil Pencarian

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Anti- cancer activity of gallic acid derivatives (amide gallates) on HCT 116 colon cancer cells
2018 | BY Jilly Octoria Tagore Chan - Ade Arsianti
  • Aktivitas antikanker senyawa turunan asam galat (amida galat) terhadap sel kanker kolon HCT 116
  • Nomor Panggil S18204fk


Uji Aktivitas Antibiotik Senyawa Asam Galat dan Oktil Galat sebagai Penghambat Pertumbuhan Bakteri Salmonella thypi dan Streptococcus pneumoniae
2018 | BY Amalia Irsha Adhari - Andriansjah
  • Antibiotic Activity Tests for Galllic Acid and Octyl Gallate Compounds as Inhibitors of Salmonella thypi and Streptococcus pneumoniae Growth.
  • Nomor Panggil S18144fk


Aktivitas asam galat dan propil galat sebagai inhibitor pertumbuhan bakteri Shigella dysintriae dan Staphylococcus epidermidis
2018 | BY Agnes Elsha Maria Simbolon - Andriansjah
  • Activity of gallic acid and propyl gallate as a growthinhibitor of Shigella dysintriae and Staphylococcusepidermidis.
  • Nomor Panggil S18074fk


Uji Antibiotik Senyawa Asam Galat dan Amil Galat sebagai Penghambat Pertumbuhan Bakteri Pseudomonas aeruginosa dan Staphylococcus aureus
2018 | BY Indriana Hikmatul Maftukhah - Andriansjah
  • Antibiotic Activity of Galic Acid and Amyl Gallate as Growth Inhibitor of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Nomor Panggil S18073fk


The Effect of Gallic Acid towards the Viability of Cultured Endometriosis Cells
2017 | BY Salma Suka Kyana Nareswari - Arleni Bustami
  • Efek Asam Galat terhadap Viabilitas Sel Endometriosis.
  • Nomor Panggil S17199fk


Comparison between Apoptotic Induced by Gallic Acid and Alkyl Gallate Derivatives on Endometriosis Cells In Vitro
2017 | BY Zoya Marie Adyasa - Arleni Bustami
  • Perbandingan antara Apoptosis Dipicu oleh Asam Galat dengan Derivat Alkil Galat Pada Sel Endometriosis In Vitro.
  • Nomor Panggil S17204fk


Aktivitas Antimikroba Senyawa Turunan Asam Galat terhadap Bakteri Staphylococcus Aureus
2016 | BY Masayu Siti Gumala Sari - Ade Arsianti
  • Antimicrobial activity of gallic acid derivatives compounds in Staphylococcus Aureus.
  • Nomor Panggil S16104FK


Aktivitas In Vitro Derivat Asam Galat Sebagai Inhibitor Pertumbuhan Sel Kanker Serviks HeLa
2016 | BY Gassani Amalia - Ade Arsianti
  • In Vitro Activity of Gallic Acid Derivatives as Inhibitor of Cervical Cancer HeLa Cells Growth.
  • Nomor Panggil S16101FK


Sitotoksisitas Senyawa Turunan Asam Galat terhadap Sel Kanker Kolorektal HCT 116
2016 | BY Gede Nyoman Jaya Nuraga - Ade Arsianti
  • Cytotoxicity of Gallic Acid Derivatives to Colorectal Cancer Cells HCT 116.
  • Nomor Panggil S16088FK


Sitotoksisitas Derivat Asam Galat terhadap Lini Sel Adenokarsinoma Paru / A549
2016 | BY Shierly Novitawati - Ade Arsianti
  • Cytotoxicity of Gallic Acid Derivatives on Lung Adenocarcinoma Cell Line / A549
  • Nomor Panggil S16087FK