Hasil Pencarian

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Kajian kadar asam sitrat dan fosfatase asam dalam plasma seminalis dengan gangguan motilitas spermatozoa pada pria pasangan infertil
2014 | BY Mohamad Sadikin - Muhamad Firman Wahyudi - Indra G Mansur
  • Assessment levels of citric acid and acid phosphatase in seminal plasma with impaired sperm motility in men infertile couples.
  • Nomor Panggil T14555fk


Profil maturitas retikulosit pada orang dewasa normal dan pembawa sifat thalassemia-β atau hemoglobin E
2014 | BY Arini Setiawati - Riadi Wirawan - Cussi Lestari Siladjaja - Alida R Harahap
  • Reticulocyte maturity in normal adults and β-thalassemiaor hemoglobin E carriers
  • Nomor Panggil T14554fk


Pengaruh antibodi antisperma dari serum wanita infertil terhadap integritas membran plasma, fosforilasi tirosin, viabilitas dan motilitas spermatozoa manusia
2014 | BY Hajizah - Dwi Ari Pujianto - Indra G Mansur
  • Effects of antisperm antibody from infertile woman sera on plasma membrane integrity, tyrosine phosphorylation, viability and motility of human sperm.
  • Nomor Panggil T14553fk


Evaluasi Ekspresi VDAC1 dan Hubungannya dengan Ekspresi Gen Protein Keluarga Bcl-2 pada Galur Sel Kanker Prostat PC-3 yang Diinduksi Apoptosis oleh Zinc
2014 | BY ASMARINAH - Novita Sari - Anom Bowolaksono
  • Evaluation of Expression VDAC1 and Its Relationship with Expression Bcl-2 family protein gene in strain Prostate Cancer Cells PC-3 Apoptosis Induced by Zinc
  • Nomor Panggil T14552fk


Home Food Environment And Its Correlation With Iron And Vitamin C Intake Among Toddler In Pejagalan.
2022 | BY Adhelia Niantiara Putri - Luh Ade Ari Wiradnyani - Dian Novita Chandra
  • Nomor Panggil T22107fk


Efek penambahan testosteron secara in vitro terhadap kapasitasi spermatozoa manusia
2014 | BY ASMARINAH - Tri Maryanti - Dwi Ari Pujianto
  • Effects of testosterone on human sperm capacitation in vitro
  • Nomor Panggil T14551fk


Pengaruh Pemberian Azitromisin Terhadap Kejadian Displasia Bronkopulmonal pada Bayi Extremely Preterm dan Very Preterm
2022 | BY Besse Sarmila - Ari Prayitno - R. Adhi Teguh P. Iskandar
  • Effect of Azithromycin on the Incidence of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Extremely Preterm and Very Preterm Infants.
  • Nomor Panggil T22106fk


Polineuropati simetrik distal pada HIV
2005 | BY Darma Imran - Bob Santoso Wibowo - H. Jofizal Jannis - Zubairi Djoerban
  • Distal sensory polyneuropathy in HIV.
  • Nomor Panggil T05018fk


Rasio Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Lesi Prostat dengan Urine dalam Diagnosis Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer: Penelitian Multi-institusi
2022 | BY Tasha - Joedo Prihartono - Meilania Saraswati - Chaidir Arif Mochtar - Sahat Basana Romanti Ezer Matondang
  • Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Ratio of Prostate-Lesion-to-Urine in Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer Diagnosis: Multi-institutional Study.
  • Nomor Panggil T22105fk


Efek dan Mekanisme Antiviral Ekstrak Metanol Daun Dimocarpus longan Lour. terhadap Virus Hepatitis C
2014 | BY Amin Soebandrio - Dadan Ramadhan Apriyanto - Tjahjani Mirawati Sudiro
  • Antiviral Mechanism and Effects of Methanol Extracts of Dimocarpus longan Lour. Leaves against Hepatitis C Virus
  • Nomor Panggil T14550fk