Hasil Pencarian

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The impact of health education on the level of knowlege regarding the sign symptoms of soil transmitted helminths infection in Pacet, Cianjur.
2012 | BY Glenn Adiputera Tandian - Saleha Sungkar
  • Dampak penyuluhan kesehatan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan mengenai gejala infeksi cacing yang disebarkan melalui tanah di Pacet, Cianjur.
  • Nomor Panggil S12094fk


Health education in increasing knowledge level of prevention of soil-transmitted helminths (STH) among aliyah students in Pacet, Cianjur 2011.
2012 | BY Bima Andyan Wicaksana - Saleha Sungkar
  • Penyuluhan kesehatan dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai pencegahan infeksi soil-transmitted helminths pada murid aliyah Pacet, Cianjur 2011.
  • Nomor Panggil S12089fk


Pre-post study analysis regarding self-protection behaviour against helminths infection in students in Pacet, Cianjur 2011.
2012 | BY Rheza Fabianto Sebastian - Saleha Sungkar
  • Analisis studi pre-post tentang perilaku perlindungan diri terhadap infeksi helminths pada siswa madrasah di Pacet, Cianjur 2011.
  • Nomor Panggil S12088fk


Health education of good hygiene practice to prevent soil-transmitted helminths (SHT) infection in aliyah students of Pacet, Cianjur 2011: a pre-post study analysis.
2012 | BY Diaz Novera - Saleha Sungkar
  • Penyuluhan kesehatan mengenai kebersihan dalam pencegahan infeksi soil-transmitted helminths (STH) pada murid madrasah aliyah di Pacet, Cianjur, 2011: sebuah pre-post study.
  • Nomor Panggil S12087fk


Efikasi Penghambatan Virus Dengue Melalui Mekanisme Pre-Post Dan Post Infeksi In Vitro Dari Ekstrak Daun Jambu Biji (Psidium Guajava)
2018 | BY Seruni Hanna Ardhia - Beti Ernawati Dewi
  • The Inhibition Effectiveness against Dengue Virus through Pre-Post and Post Infection In Vitro by Psidium guajava Leaf Extract.
  • Nomor Panggil S18094fk


Perbandingan Mekanisme Penghambatan Antivirus Ekstrak Daun Kenikir Fraksi Etil Asetat pada Saat Akan Infeksi dan Sesudah Infeksi Virus Dengue pada Galur Sel Huh7it-1 Secara In Vitro
2018 | BY Azhar Farisyabdi Kurniawan - Beti Ernawati Dewi
  • The Comparison of Inhibitory Antiviral Mechanism of Cosmos caudatus Leaves Ethyl Acetate Fraction at Post-Entry and EntryPost Entry Step against Dengue Virus in Huh7it-1 Cell Line In vitro.
  • Nomor Panggil S18086fk


Efektivitas Penghambatan melalui Mekanisme Post dan Pre-Post Infeksi Ekstrak Daun Pepaya (Carica papaya) pada Virus Dengue Serotipe 2 Invitro
2018 | BY Elsa Anjani - Beti Ernawati Dewi
  • Effectiveness of Carica papaya leaf extract on In-vitro Inhibition of serotype 2 Dengue Virus through Post and Pre-Post Infection Mechanism.
  • Nomor Panggil S18058fk


Pengembangan Antiviral Avian Influenza Berbasis Sialidase Asal Bakteri Pasteurella multocida: Fokus pada Pengujian secara In Vitro terhadap Infeksi Subtipe H9N2.
2022 | BY Amin Soebandrio - Silvia Tri Widyaningtyas - Christian Marco Hadi Nugroho - I Wayan Teguh Wibawan
  • Development of Sialidase-Based Avian Influenza Antiviral from Pasteurella multocida: Focus on In Vitro Testing against H9N2 Subtype Infection.
  • Nomor Panggil D22012fk


Potensi Sialidase dari Bakteri Clostridium perfringens Tipe A sebagai Competitive Inhibitor pada Reseptor Sialic acid terhadap Infeksi Virus Newcastle Disease.
2022 | BY Ryan Septa Kurnia - Pratiwi P. Sudarmono - R. Fera Ibrahim - Simson Tarigan
  • Potency of Clostridium perfringens Bacterial Sialidase as Sialic Acid Receptor Competitive Inhibitor Against Newcastle Disease Virus Infection.
  • Nomor Panggil D22010fk


Hubungan Infeksi Soil Transmitted Helminthdengan Parameter Metabolik pada penduduk di Kecamatan Nangapanda, Nusa Tenggara Timur
2017 | BY Lukito Ongko - Yenny Djuardi
  • Effects of Soil Transmitted Helminth Infection on Metabolic Parameters in Nangapanda, Nusa Tenggara Timur.
  • Nomor Panggil S17004fk