Hasil Pencarian

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Pengaruh oktil galat terhadap populasi sel SUSD2+, ekspresi mRNA IDO1, dan Caspase3 pada endometriotic mesenchymal stem-like cells
2024 | BY Mahardika Pertiwi - Arleni M.S.
  • Effect of octyl gallate on SUSD2+ cell population, IDO1 and Caspase3 mRNA expression in endometriotic mesenchymal stemlike cells.
  • Nomor Panggil T24288fk


Hubungan Kebiasaan Konsumsi Mie Instan dengan Prediksi Daya Tahan Kardiorespirasi pada Anak Usia Sekolah di Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan Faktor yang Terkait
2023 | BY listya Tresnanti Mirtha - Muhammad Hafizh Zauhari
  • Relationship between Instant Noodle Consumption Habits and Prediction of Cardiorespiratory Endurance among School-Age Children in DKI Jakarta Province and Related Factors.
  • Nomor Panggil S23183fk


Regulasi kemoresistensi sel glioblastoma multiforme terhadap temozolomide: kaitannya dengan ekspresi MICA/B, p16 dan p21
2024 | BY Febriana Catur Iswanti - Septelia Inawati Wanandi - Kevin Johanes Kawengian
  • Regulation of chemoresistance in glioblastoma multiforme cells to Temozolomide: Its association with MICA/B, p16 and p21 expressions.
  • Nomor Panggil T24287fk


Korelasi Stenosis Penyakti Arteri Perifer Di Bawah Lutut Dengan Kecepatan Hantar Syaraf Pada Penyandang Neuropati Perifer Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2
2023 | BY Birry Karim - Manfaluthy Hakim - Akbarbudhi Antono
  • Correlation of Peripheral Arterial Disease Stenosis Below the Knee and the Nerve Conduction Velocity in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Peripheral Neuropathy.
  • Nomor Panggil T23621fk


Efikasi Ventilasi Tekanan Positif Nasal dengan Kanula RAM terhadap Keberhasilan Intubasi Endotrakeal Bayi Prematur
2024 | BY Irene Yuniar - Rosalina Dewi Roeslani - Adhi Teguh Perma Iskandar - Adriana Lukmasari
  • Efficacy of Nasal Positive Pressure Ventilation With RAM Cannula on The Success of Endotracheal Intubation in Preterm Neonates.
  • Nomor Panggil T24286fk


Efikasi dan Keamanan High Flow Nasal Cannula dibandingkan dengan Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure terhadap Angka Kegagalan Terapi Pascaekstubasi pada Bayi Prematur
2024 | BY Irene Yuniar - R. Adhi Teguh Perma Iskandar - Washli Zakiah
  • Efficacy and Safety of High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC) and Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (nCPAP) on Therapy Failure post-extubation in Preterm Neonates.
  • Nomor Panggil T24285fk


Korelasi Jumlah Trombosit dan Immature Platelet Fraction dengan Fungsi Agregasi Trombosit Pada Pasien Trombositopenia
2024 | BY Aulia Rizka - Jane Estherina Fransiska - Lugyanti Sukrisman - Rahajuningsih Dharma
  • Correlation between Platelet Count and Immature Platelet Fraction with Platelet Aggregation Function in patient with thrombocytopenia.
  • Nomor Panggil T24284fk


Korelasi Hormon Tiroid dengan Resistensi Insulin dan Disfungsi Sel Beta Pankreas pada Pasien Penyakit Graves Fase Toksik
2024 | BY Firda Annisa - Dyah Purnamasari - Wismandari Wisnu
  • Correlation of Thyroid Hormone with Insulin Resistance and Pancreatic Beta Cell Dysfunction in Toxic Phase Graves’ Disease.
  • Nomor Panggil T24283fk


Efek Kombinasi Topikal dan Oral Ekstrak Etanol Daun Ungu (Graptophyllum pictum) terhadap Tingkat Inflamasi Jaringan Anorektal Tikus Hemoroid
2024 | BY Annia Zhafarina Dalilati - Ani Retno Prijanti - Desak Gede Budi Krisnamurti
  • The Effect of Topical and Oral Combination of Ethanolic Extract of Graptophyllum pictum Leaf on the Inflammation Level of Anorectal Tissue in Hemorrhoid Rat.
  • Nomor Panggil T24282fk


Profil Imunitas Bawaan Tikus Diabetes Melitus yang Diterapi Ekstrak Acalypha Indica : Fokus Pada TLR-2, TLR-4, Nos2, Arg1 dan Peradangan Hati
2024 | BY Tri Handayani - Ani Retno Prijanti - Rani Wardani Hakim
  • Innate Immune Profile in Diabetes Mellitus Rat Treated with Acalypha indica Extract: Focus on TLR-2, TLR-4, Nos2, Arg1 and liver inflammation.
  • Nomor Panggil T24281fk