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Efek Antiinflamasi Ekstrak Daun Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) Nanopartikel Kitosan dalam Mencegah Displasia Kolon Mencit yang Diinduksi Dekstran Sodium Sulfat
2019 | BY Andintia Aisyah Santoso - Ari Estuningtyas- Antiinflammatory Effect of Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria Macrocarpa) Leaf Extract Loaded in Chitosan Nanoparticles in Reducing Dysplasia Grade on Colon of Dextran Sodium SulfateInduced Mice.
- Nomor Panggil S19052fk
The effect of Phaleria macrocarpa leaf extract on the Mucin 1 expression in mice colonic epithelial cells induced by Dextran Sodium Sulfate (DSS)
2020 | BY Natasha Yemima Situmorang - Kusmardi- Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Phaleria macrocrpa terhadap ekspresi Mucin 1 pada sel epitel kripta kolon mencit yang diberi Dextran Sodium Sulfate (DSS).
- Nomor Panggil S20194fk
Pengaruh Olahraga Aerobik Halang Rintang terhadap Fungsi Kognitif, Ditinjau dari Homeostasis Oksidatif, Angiogenesis, dan Neuroplastisitas Otak Mencit Dewasa.
2015 | BY Minarma Siagian - Muhammad Irfannuddin - Sri Widia A. Jusman - Jan S. Purba- The effects of hurdle aerobic exercise on brain’s oxidative homeostasis, angiogenesis, neuroplasticity, and cognitive ability of middle aged mice.
- Nomor Panggil D15008FK
Efek Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Delima (Punica granatum Linn.) terhadap Ekspresi Siklooksigenase-2 (COX-2) pada Kolon Distal Mencit yang Diinduksi Dextran Sodium Sulfate (DSS)
2020 | BY Pramesti Kusumadini Wibowo - Kusmardi- The Effect of Pomegranate Peel Ethanolic Extract (Punica granatum Linn.) in Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) Expression on Distal Colon Induced by Dextran Sodium Sulfate (DSS).
- Nomor Panggil S20153fk
Metode Membedakan Jaringan Kanker Lambung Mencit Mus Musculus Menggunakan Metode Spektrofotometri Reflektans Sederhana
2020 | BY Samuel Ronny Kusuma - Aryo Tedjo- Method of Differentiating Gastric Cancer in Mus Musculus using Conventional Reflectance Spectrophotometry.
- Nomor Panggil S20148fk
Pengaruh Pemberian Kombinasi Ekstrak Sambiloto dan Spirulina terhadap Ekspresi Protein Caspase-3 pada Sel Epitel Kolon Media Mencit Terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei
2020 | BY Nurchalis Rasyid - Nadar Sukri Lubis- The Effect of sambiloto and spirulina extract on Caspase-3 expression in medial colon epithelial cells of mice infected Plasmodium berghei .
- Nomor Panggil S20118fk
Perbandingan Tingkat Dekomposisi Tungkai Belakang Mencit yang telah Diawetkan dengan Larutan Fiksatif Lanjut Etanol- Gliserin dan Formaldehida 4%
2020 | BY Amanda Natalie Wijaya - Ria Margiana- The Comparison of Mice’s Hind Limb Decomposition Stage that is Previously Preserved with Advanced Fixative Solution of Ethanol-Glycerin and Formaldehyde.
- Nomor Panggil S20116fk
Aktivitas Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Buah Delima terhadap Caspase-3 pada Jaringan Usus Halus Mencit yang Diinduksi Dextran Sodium Sulfate
2020 | BY Syifa Qurota Ayun - Kusmardi- Activity of Pomegranate Peel Etahnol Extract against Caspase-3 on Mice Small Intestinal Tissue Induced by Dextran Sodium Sulfate.
- Nomor Panggil S20109fk
Pengaruh Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Punica Granitum Linn. terhadap Ekspresi NF-κB Jaringan Kolon Proksimal Mencit yang Diinduksi Dextran Sodium Sulfate (DSS)
2020 | BY Valentino Ryu Yudianto - Kusmardi- Effect of Punica Granitum Linn. Peel Ethanol Extract on NF-κB Expression in Mice’s Proximal Colon Tissue Induced with Dextran Sodium Sulfate (DSS) .
- Nomor Panggil S20108fk
Pengaruh Daun Annona Muricata Terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah dan Perubahan Histopatologi Hepar Mencit Galur Swiss Webster yang Diinduksi Aloksan
2020 | BY Bunga Cecilia Sinaga - Supri Irianti Handayani- The Effect of Annona Muricata Leaves on Change of Histopathology of Hepar and Blood Glucose Levels Scratching Swiss Webster Structured by Alloxant.
- Nomor Panggil S20107fk