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Proporsi gambaran penyakit paru interstisial pada pasien kanker paru karsinoma bukan sel kecil dengan terapi epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor di RSUP Persahabatan
2023 | BY Marscha Iradyta Ais - Sita Laksmi Andarini - Dianiati Kusumo Sutoyo - Maryastuti
  • The proportion of interstial lung disease features in patients with non small cell lung cancer treated with epidermal growth factor receptors tyrosine kinase inhibitor at Persahabatan Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T23187fk


Efek pemberian nutrisi suplemen oral pada pasien tuberkulosis resistan obat dengan malnutrisi di poliklinik RSUP Persahabatan
2023 | BY Nina Eristiana - Fathiyah Isbaniah - Krisnugra Ramadhani R.
  • The efficay of oral nutritional supplements to drug-resistant tuberculosis patients with malnutrition at Persahabatan Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T23186fk


Analisis terapi afatinib pada adenokarsinoma paru dengan mutasi epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) di RSUP Persahabatan
2023 | BY Widya Angasreni - Sita Laksmi Andarini - Jamal Zaini
  • Therapy Analysis of afatinib in lung adenocarcinoma with epidermal growth factor receptor mutation (EGFR) at Persahabatan Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T23185fk


Perceived Job Insecurity and Work-Related Stress (WRS) in Airline Pilots during Covid-19: A Cross-Sectional Study
2023 | BY Muhammad Athallah Arsyaf - Amilya Agustina
  • Persepsi Ketidakamanan Kerja dengan Stres Kerja pada Pilot Maskapai selama Covid-19: Sebuah Studi Potong Lintang.
  • Nomor Panggil S23026fk


Hubungan Prevalensi Penyakit Kulit dengan Jenis Kelamin dan Pendidikan Murid Sekolah Dasar di Desa Taman Rahayu, Bekasi
2014 | BY Aprilia Dwi Iriani - Saleha Sungkar
  • The Association between Prevalence of Skin Diseases with Gender and Education level of Primary School Students in Taman Rahayu Village, Bekasi.
  • Nomor Panggil S 14 106 FK


Hubungan Infeksi Parasit Usus dengan Tingkat Pengetahuan PHBS pada Anak Sekolah Dasar di Bekasi Tahun 2012
2014 | BY Rebecca Octavia Fransisca - Saleha Sungkar
  • The Association between Intestinal Parasitic Infection and Level of PHBS Knowledge on Primary School Children in Bekasi in 2012.
  • Nomor Panggil S 14 105 FK


Pengaruh Pemberian Vitamin A Dosis 6000 SI Per Hari terhadap Penurunan Konsentrasi IFN-γ pada Ibu Hamil yang Terinfeksi Ascaris lumbricoides
2014 | BY Syarifah Jannatin Aliyah - Rizal Subahar
  • The Effect of Vitamin A Low Dose 6000 IU Supplementation per day to Reduction of IFN-ɣ Concentration among Pregnant Women Infected by Ascaris lumbricoides.
  • Nomor Panggil S 14 104 FK


Evaluasi Keberhasilan Terapi Imunoglobulin Intravena Dosis 1 g/kgBB Dibandingkan dengan 2 g/kgBB pada Anak dengan Penyakit Kawasaki
2023 | BY Mulki Angela - Najib Advani - Nina Dwi Putri - Bernie Endyarni Medise
  • Evaluation of Effectiveness of Medium-Dose Intravenous Immunoglobulin (1 g/kg) vs High-Dose Intravenous Immunoglobulin (2 g/kg) in the Treatment of Kawasaki Disease.
  • Nomor Panggil T23184fk


Peran lidokain intravena dalam menekan respons stress pembedahan ortopedi elektif dengan anestesia umum pada pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2: kajian terhadap glukosa dan C-reactive protein
2023 | BY Aditya Toga Sumondang Saragih - Alfan Mahdi Nugroho - Rahendra
  • Role of intravenous lidocaine to suppress stress response in diabetic type 2 patients who underwent orthopaedic surgery with general anaesthesia : study of glucose and C-reactive protein level.
  • Nomor Panggil T23183fk


Analisis Fitokimia, Aktivitas Antioksidan, dan Antikanker Ekstrak Etanol, Etil Asetat, dan n-Heksana Bunga Cengkih (Syzygium aromaticum) terhadap Sel Kanker HT-29
2023 | BY Daffa Saifullah Mahmud - Ade Arsianti
  • Phytochemical Analysis, Antioxidant, and Anticancer Activity of Ethanol, Ethyl Acetate, and n-Hexane Extract of Clove Flower (Syzygium aromaticum) Against HT-29 Cancer Cells.
  • Nomor Panggil S23025fk