Hasil Pencarian

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Aktivitas sitotoksik derivat asam galat terhadap non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) A549
2015 | BY Hans Christian - Ade Arsianti
  • Cytotoxic activity of gallic acid derivatives on non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) A549.
  • Nomor Panggil S15161FK


Aktivitas Sitotoksik Senyawa Turunan Asam Galat terhadap Sel Kanker Payudara MCF-7
2015 | BY Maya Dorothea - Ade Arsianti
  • Cytotoxic Effects of Gallic Acid Derivatives on Hormone Dependent Breast Cancer MCF-7.
  • Nomor Panggil S15160FK


Asosiasi Stres dengan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) dan Lingkar Perut pada Karyawan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas X 2015
2015 | BY Lily Raudah Putri - Retno Asti Werdhani
  • Association of Stress with Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference among Employees in Faculty of Medicine Universitas X 2015.
  • Nomor Panggil S15159FK


Efek Antioksidan yang Terkandung dalam Bekatul terhadap Kadar Malondialdehid pada Testis Tikus yang Diinduksi Karbon Tetraklorida
2015 | BY Anisah Rahma - Dwirini Retno Gunarti
  • The Effect of Antioxidant Contained in Rice Bran on Malondialdehyde Level in Rat’s Testis Induced by Carbon Tetracloride.
  • Nomor Panggil S15158FK


Pengaruh Pemberian Homogenat Bekatul terhadap Kadar Malondialdehid pada Otak Tikus yang Diinduksi Karbon Tetraklorida
2015 | BY Desi Melia Utami - Dwirini Retno Gunarti
  • Effect of Rice Bran Homogenate Feeding to Malondialdehyde Levels of Brain in Rats Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride.
  • Nomor Panggil S15157FK


Pengaruh Homogenat Bekatul terhadap Kadar Glutation Paru Tikus yang Diinduksi Karbon Tetraklorida
2015 | BY Sheila Rizky Melati - Dwirini Retno Gunarti
  • The Effect of Rice Bran Hemogenat against Glutathione Levels of Rat Lung Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride.
  • Nomor Panggil S15156FK