Hasil Pencarian

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Hubungan Perubahan Status Indeks Masa Tubuh dengan Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio pada Kanker Payudara
2018 | BY Denny Grecius Siregar - Andhika Rachman
  • Relationship between Body Mass Index Status Change with Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio in Breast Cancer.
  • Nomor Panggil S18007fk


Hubungan antara Indeks Massa Tubuh dan Tekanan Darah dengan Tingkat Keparahan Psoriasis pada Pasien Psoriasis di RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
2018 | BY Fachreza Aulia Trinanda - Endi Novianto
  • Association between Body Mass Index and Blood Pressure to the Severity of Psoriasis in Psoriatic Patients at RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo.
  • Nomor Panggil S18001fk


Pengandung gametosit berdasarkan marker molekular pfs25 (P. falciparum) dan pvs25 (P. vivax) beserta faktor risikonya, serta status gen terkait resistensi artemisinin pfk13 berkaitan dengan Mass Blood Survey di Kabupaten Belu, NTT.
2021 | BY Ayleen Alicia Kosasih - Dwi Ari Pujianto - Inge Sutanto - Rintis Noviyanti
  • Gametocyte carriers and risk factors based on molecular markers pfs25 (P. falciparum) and pfs25 (P. vivax), and status of gene associated with artemisinin resistance pfk13 in relation to Mass Blood Survey in Belu District, East Nusa Tenggara.
  • Nomor Panggil D21005fk


The Effect of Body Mass Index Status in Lung Function Score of Medical Students of Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia: A Preliminary Study.
2012 | BY Herry Wibisono - Elisna Syahruddin
  • Efek Dari Status Indeks Massa Tubuh pada Fungsi Paru Mahasiswa Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia: Sebuah Studi Pendahuluan.
  • Nomor Panggil S12030fk


Korelasi Perubahan Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan Hasil Pengukuran Gula Darah Sewaktu pada Pasien Diabetes di Posbindu PTM Binaan KDK FKUI Kayu Putih
2016 | BY Nikita Esther Lengkey - Grace Wangge
  • The Correlation between Changes in Body Mass Index and Random Blood Glucose Measurements in Patients with Diabetes at Community Health Post of Non- Communicable Disease KDK FKUI Kayu Putih.
  • Nomor Panggil S16180FK


Korelasi antara Titer Anti-CCP dengan Nilai Indeks Massa Tubuh pada Pasien Artritis Reumatoid di RSCM tahun 2012-2016
2016 | BY Khadijah Fitriah - Harry Isbagio
  • Correlation between Anti-CCP Titer and Body Mass Index 2016 Score in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients in RSCM in 2012 - 2016
  • Nomor Panggil S16163FK


Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan Tingkat Kebugaran pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Angkatan 2011.
2013 | BY Andika Chaktiaji Zulfiqar - Ermita Isfandiary Ibrahim Ilyas
  • Correlation Between Body Mass Index and Fitness Level Among Medical Students Batch 2011.
  • Nomor Panggil S13246fk


Korelasi antara Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) dan Total Lemak Tubuh Metode Impedansi dengan Profil Lipid Serum
2016 | BY YUSRA - Fathia Azzahra
  • Correlation of Body Mass Index (BMI) and Bioelectric Impedance Analysis of Total Body Fat with Serum Lipid Profile
  • Nomor Panggil S16117FK


Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan Kekuatan Otot pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Angkatan 2011.
2013 | BY ADITYA NOOR DWIPRAKOSO - Ermita Isfandiari Ilyas
  • Association between Body Mass Index and Muscle Strength of Medical Students Batch 2011.
  • Nomor Panggil S13241fk


Hubungan antara Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan Fleksibilitas pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Angkatan 2011.
2013 | BY Radhian Amandito - Ermita Isfandiari Ilyas
  • Association between Body Mass Index and Flexibility of Medical Students Batch 2011.
  • Nomor Panggil S13235fk