Hasil Pencarian

✨ 21150 results found - Searched 21153 records in 5ms.


Hubungan antara Testosteron dan Sarkopenia pada Pasien Sirosis Hati Laki-laki
2024 | BY Vania Tryanni - Em Yunir - Irsan Hasan
  • Association of Testosterone and Sarcopenia in Male Patients with Liver Cirrhosis.
  • Nomor Panggil T24400fk


Kemampuan Model Kecerdasan Buatan Learning Intelligent for Effective Sonography (LIFES) untuk Deteksi Infark Miokardium pada Pasien dengan Sindroma Koroner Akut Non Elevasi Segmen ST (SKA-NEST)
2024 | BY Renan Sukmawan - Lies Dina Liastuti - Eng. Wisnu Jatmiko - Kevin Moses Hanky Jr Tandayu
  • Diagnostic Value of Learning Intelligent for Effective Sonography (LIFES) Artificial Intelligence Model in Detection Myocardial Infarction among Patients with Non-ST Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome (NSTEACS).
  • Nomor Panggil T24399fk


Pengaruh Modul Generasi Bebas Infeksi Menular Seksual (GBIMS) Dalam Meningkatkan Pengetahuan, Perubahan Sikap, Dan Perilaku Terhadap Kesehatan Reproduksi Pada Remaja Indonesia
2024 | BY Aria Kekalih - Hanny Nilasari - Hartono Gunardi - Wresti Indriatmi
  • The Impact of the Free-Sexually-Transmitted-Infections Generation Module in Increasing Knowledge, Changing Attitude and Behavior towards Reproductive Health among Indonesian Adolescents.
  • Nomor Panggil D24029fk


Penambahan Bahan Kimia Fenilbutazon Pada Jamu Tradisional Rematik.
2009 | BY Widyo Ari Nugroho - ENDARTI - Desak Gede Budi Krisnamurti
  • Addition of Phenylbutazon in Rheumatics Herbal Medicine.
  • Nomor Panggil S09102fk


Korelasi Stadium dengan Usia Penderita Kanker Serviks di Departemen Patologi Anatomi RSCM pada Tahun 2007.
2009 | BY Budiningsih - Saptawati Bardosono - Nurul Nadia H.W.L. - Gatot Purwoto
  • The Correlation Between Stage and Age of Cervical Cancer Patients at The Departmen of Pathology Anatomy RSCM in 2007.
  • Nomor Panggil S09101fk


Peran Capsaicin Dalam Proses Penyembuhan Ulkus Lambung Tikus Yang Diberi Paparan Indometasin.
2009 | BY Dewi Puspito Sari - Gregory Budiman
  • The Role of Capsaicin in The Healing Process of Gastric Ulcer in Rats Exposured by Indomethacin.
  • Nomor Panggil S09100fk


Jumlah Limfosit T-CD4+, Limfosit T-CD8+, dan Rasio T-CD4+/T-CD8+ dan Hubungannya dengan Status Gizi Pasien HIV (+).
2009 | BY Sharon Sandra - Saptawati Bardosono
  • CD4+ Count, CD8+ Count, and CD4+/CD8+ Ratio Related to Nutritional Status in HIV (+) patients.
  • Nomor Panggil S09099fk


Infeksi Blastocystis hominis Pada Balita di Kecamatan Jatinegara: Kaitannya dengan Kejadian Diare.
2009 | BY Perlita Kamilia - Agnes Kurniawan
  • Infection of Blastocystis hominis in Toddlers in Jatinegara Subdistrict: The Association with Diarrhea Onset.
  • Nomor Panggil S09098fk


Infeksi Blastocystis Hominis pada Balita di Kecamatan Jatinegara: Kaitannya dengan Status Nutrisi.
2009 | BY Rohani Agustini - Agnes Kurniawan
  • Blastocystis Hominis Infection among Preschool Children in Jatinegara District: In Association with Nutritional Status.
  • Nomor Panggil S09097fk