Hasil Pencarian

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Efektivitas penyuluhan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan tentang morfologi dan siklus hidup A. lumbricoides pada murid SD X Bantar Gebang
2013 | BY Alia Nessa Utami - Saleha Sungkar
  • The effectiveness of helath education about morphology and life cycle os ascaris lumbricoides to students of elementary school X, Bantar Gebang.
  • Nomor Panggil S13021fk


Efektivitas penyuluhan kesehatan terhadap pengetahuan murid SD X Bantar Gebang, Bekasi mengenai morfologi dan siklus hidup T.trichiura
2013 | BY Afifah Putri Handayani - Saleha Sungkar
  • Effectivity of health education on knowledge among students at SD X Bantar Gebang, Bekasi about T.trichiura's morphology and life cycle.
  • Nomor Panggil S13014fk


Pengaruh Proses Penyimpanan, Pembekuan dan Pencairan Air Susu Ibu Pada Wadah Plastik: Kajian Terhadap Jumlah, Viabilitas dan Morfologi Leukosit
2023 | BY Diah Karomah Putri - Rahimi Syaidah - Ahmad Aulia Jusuf
  • The effect of storage, freezing, and thawing process of human breast milk in plastic container: Focus on cell number, viability, and morphology of leukocytes.
  • Nomor Panggil T23328fk


Pengaruh Lipopolisakarida terhadap Morfologi, Viabilitas, dan Kemampuan Migrasi Sel Punca Mesenkimal Asal Sumsum Tulang serta Hubungannya dengan Ekspresi mRNA Inflamasom NLRP3
2023 | BY Asti Nurhidayati - Dewi Sukmawati - Rahimi Syaidah
  • The Effects of Lipopolysaccharide on The Morphology, Viability, and Migratory Capacity of Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Its Association with The Expression of Inflammasome NLRP3 mRNA.
  • Nomor Panggil T23311fk


Hubungan Morfologi Katup Mitral Yang Dinilai Dengan Transesofageal Ekokardiografi (TEE) Dengan Keberhasilan Dini Komisurotomi Mitral Transkateter Perkutan (KMTP)
2019 | BY Alexandra Gabriella - Amir Aziz Alkatiri - Amiliana M Soesanto
  • Association of Mitral Valve Morphology using Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE) with Immediate Outcome of Percutaneous Transcatheter Mitral Comisurotomy (PTMC).
  • Nomor Panggil T19600fk


Korelasi morfologi dan perkembangan blastokista terhadap kejadian aneuploidi dan mosaik, serta faktor yang mempengaruhinya
2019 | BY Budi Wiweko - Pritta Ameilia Iffanolida - Arief Boediono
  • Correlation between blastocyst morphology with aneuploidy, mosaicism, and other related factor.
  • Nomor Panggil T19256fk


Efek Ekstrak Etil Asetat Daun Lamun [Enhalus acoroides (L.f.) Royle] Terhadap Analisis Semen, Morfologi Sel Leydig, dan Stres Oksidatif Pada Mencit Jantan Tua
2016 | BY Novita Rina Antarsih - Sri Widia A. Jusman - Lutfi Hardiyanto
  • Effect of Ethyl Acetate Extract of Lamun Leaves [Enhalus acoroides (L.f.) Royle] on Semen Analysis, Leydig Cell Morphology, and Oxidative Stress in Old Male Mice.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 302 FK


Hubungan Morfologi Embrio Tiga Pronukleus (3PN) dengan Potensi Kelainan Kromosom pada Pasien Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
2018 | BY Shanty Olivia Febrianti Jasirwan - Budi Wiweko - Dewi Friska
  • The Relationship Between Morphology Of Three-Pronuclear (3PN) Embryo and Chromosomal Abnormalities Potential in intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
  • Nomor Panggil T18409fk


Pengaruh Morfologi Ventrikel Sistemik terhadap Kelangsungan Hidup Sepuluh Tahun Pasien Pacaoperasi Fontan
2018 | BY Mira Fauziah - Oktavia Lilyasari - Lies Dina Liastuti - Budi Rahmat
  • Impact of Systemic Ventricle Morphology on Ten-Year Survival after the Fontan Procedure.
  • Nomor Panggil T18151fk


Analisa ketebalan endometrium, morfologi endometrium dan jumlah folikel dominan pada wanita mendapat agen induksi ovulasi atau stimulasi ovarium dengan klomifen sitrat atau letrozole
2015 | BY Budi Wiweko - Veinardi Madjid - Endy M. Moegni
  • Analysis of endometrial thickness, endometrial morphology and dominant follicle count between clomiphene citrate and letrozol as an ovulation induction or ovarian stimulation.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 535 FK