Hasil Pencarian

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Pengaruh Senam Aerobik Low Impact pada Perempuan Obes Abdominal dengan Polimorfisme Gen Uncoupling Protein-1: Kajian pada Parameter Kardiometabolik dan Penanda Inflamasi.
2017 | BY Minarma Siagian - Diniwati Mukhtar - Trihanggono Ahmad
  • Effect of Low Impact Aerobic Exercise in Women Abdominal Obes with The Polymorphism of Uncoupling Protein-1 Gene: Study On Cardiometabolic Parameters and Inflammatory Markers.
  • Nomor Panggil D17010fk


Pengaruh Seng, Beta-Carotene dan Vitamin D3 terhadap Regulator Inflamasi Kelahiran Preterm: Kajian Ekspresi Protein Adaptor MyD88 dan TRIF, Aktivitas Faktor Transkripsi NFκB, dan Sitokin Proinflamasi IL-1β.
2018 | BY Rima Irwinda - Saptawati Bardosono - Ali Sungkar - Noroyono Wibowo
  • Role of Zinc, Beta-Carotene and Vitamin D3 towards Inflammatory Regulator of Preterm Birth: The Study of Expression of Adaptor Protein MyD88 and TRIF, Activity of Transcription Factor NFκB and Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine IL1β.
  • Nomor Panggil D18038fk


Efek Suplementasi Vitamin D Terhadap Resistensi Insulin pada Model Tikus Prediabetes Melalui Regulasi Persinyalan Jalur Inflamasi dan Mikrobiota Usus.
2022 | BY Desak Gede Budi Krisnamurti - TRI Juli Edi Tarigan - Melva Louisa - Erni H. Purwaningsih
  • The Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on Insulin Resistance in Prediabetic Rat Model through Signaling Regulation of Inflammatory Pathways and Gut Microbiota.
  • Nomor Panggil D22022fk


Mekanisme Kerja Ekstrak Etanol Akar Acalypha Indica L. pada Hewan Model Obesitas: Fokus pada Profil Lipid, Adipokin Anti-Proinflamasi dan Molekul Adhesi Melalui Jalur PPAR-alfa.
2022 | BY Rani Wardani Hakim - TRI Juli Edi Tarigan - Sri Widia A. Jusman - Erni Purwaningsih
  • Mechanism of action of Acalypha indica L roots ethanol extract on Obesity Animal Model: Focus On Lipid Profile, Anti-Pro Inflammatory Adipokines and Adhesion Molecule Through PPAR-alfa pathway.
  • Nomor Panggil D22008fk


The Role of Dietary and Plasma Carboxymethyl Lysine and Inflammatory Parameter as Mediators of Obesity Among Minangkabau and Sundanese Women.
2020 | BY Patricia Budihartanti Liman - Murdani Abdullah - Ratna Djuwita - Rina Agustina
  • Peran Asupan dan Plasma Carboxymethyl Lysine dan Parameter Inflamasi Sebagai Mediator Obesitas Pada Suku Minangkabau dan Sunda.
  • Nomor Panggil D20001fk


Pengaruh Nilai Cycle Threshold SARS COV-2 dan Parameter Inflamasi Pejamu Terhadap Derajat Penyakit COVID-19 Pasien Rawat Inap
2023 | BY Rizka Zainudin - Adityo Susilo - Suhendro
  • The effect of CT Value and Host Inflammatory Parameters on COVID-19 Severity in Hospitalized Patient.
  • Nomor Panggil T23528fk


The Effect of Azoxymethane and Dextran Sodium Sulfate Induction on Inflammatory Changes in Mice Colon Tissue
2015 | BY Kusmardi - Hendra Dernatra
  • Efek Pemberian Azoxymethane dan Dextran Sodium Sulfate pada Perubahan Inflamasi di Jaringan Kolon Mencit.
  • Nomor Panggil S15351FK


Korelasi Indeks Massa Bebas Lemak dengan Indeks Inflamasi Imun Sistemik pada Pasien Tumor Sistem Saraf Pusat
2024 | BY Wella Angelia - Diana Sunardi - Tiara Aninditha
  • Correlation between Fat Free Mass Index and Systemic Immune Inflammatory Index in Central Nervous System Tumor Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T24030fk


Pengaruh PRP terhadap Produksi Mediator Pro dan Anti- Inflamasi dari Kultur Makrofag
2017 | BY Heidy - Heri Wibowo - Andhika Rachman
  • The Effect of PRP on the Production Pro and Anti- Inflammatory Mediators from Macrophage Culture.
  • Nomor Panggil T17300fk


Hubungan kadar 25-Hydroxyvitamin D serum dengan derajat keparahan, lesi inflamasi, dan lesi noninflamasi akne vulgaris pada pasien di poliklinik Kulit dan Kelamin, Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
2017 | BY Sammy Yahya - Sandra Widaty - Rahadi Rihatmadja
  • Correlation between serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D levels and severity and numbers of inflammatory, and noninflammatory lesions of acne vulgaris patients in Dermatovenereology Clinic, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T17212fk